so today we have a snow day!
yesterday was a fun time-and i was tired-so i was always grateful that we didn't have school.
first-for s.o.s-a bunch of us went to the congregtional chruch to learn how to crochet and knit from senior citizens!
we're all either knitting or crocheting a blanket square for WARM UP AMERICA...and then i guess they're sewing them all up to make blankets for homeless and such so yay!
it was fun though-Lindsay and I learned how to crochet from a woman named Ethel-she was really nice.
i unfortunatley couldn't get the hang of it at ALL when they were trying to teach me-but once everyone left me alone (yes-it took the help of Ethel, Mrs. Wilhelm, and Mrs. Kelly) i got it on my own-so BOO YAS!
but yea-let's face it, my square, is REALLY demented, and doesn't really fit the requirements at like-all.
but no one really cares about that-and they're using it anyways.
second-i went to the basketball game at IHS (BHS was playing them obviously). and that was really fun good times.
except that the fun parts really only consisted of monica's house and rides there and back.
you can see the pictures here: you wanna.
it explains it a little better.
today-i didn't do anything really-execpt of course crochet some more of my screwed up blanket square, shovel, OH and i found out my mom had a cyst(sp?) on the top of her eye that she got removed today.
but that's about it.