- **Kansas City Chorale (Kansas City, MO)
- **Conspirare (Austin, TX)
- Seraphic Fire (Miami, FL)
- South Dakota Chorale (Sioux Falls, SD)
- Phoenix Chorale (Phoenix, AZ)
- Bella Voce (Chicago, IL)
- Magnum Chorum (Minneapolis, MN)
- Vocal Essence (Minneapolis, MN)
- **From Age to Age (Nisswa, MN)
- Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
- Norwegian Soloists Choir
- Swedish Radio Choir (out of the realm of possibility)
- Incheon City Chorale
Yeah. I think that about does it for the most notable choirs. I may add to this list later.
What I like about the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir is that they don't list audition details, but simply, "If you're interested in a career with EPCC please send (...etc, etc, etc)" It makes me hopeful that it's actual in the realm of possibility.
I just missed the audition application deadline for the Norwegian Soloists Choir. Humongous, humongous bummer.
As far as foreign choirs go, I would like to stick to Europe, because I would be able to take Rosie by cruise ship that way. Yeah, there are pet shipping services out there that could get her to South Korea, but that would probably be way too traumatic for her.
If I got into a foreign choir before I was financially ready to relocate there, I would probably start doing ridiculous numbers of benefit recitals in churches in wealthy areas of DFW. That's the plan.
Surely it will be nearly impossible to get an audition with a foreign choir... except maybe the South Korean ones because they all fucking heard me!... so I am not counting on having to be financially secure enough to relocate any time soon. So for now I'll stick to domestic choirs.
In anycase, I am going to head over to the music building because this dude singing next to me is seriously annoying.