Feb 08, 2008 12:11
its like rainnnnnnn on your wedding day. its a frrreee riiiiidhhhhidde but you already paid. its the goood adviiiise that you just didn't take. and who would have thought it figured?
so this is me, busting my ass on my thesis literally everyday this week. going to the wrc, reviewing texts, printing copies to hand edit, all for my thesis meeting this morning in which i was supposed to turn in a FULL ENTIRE DRAFT OF MY THESIS. so i work until late hours with katie, a bit after katie leaves, wake up at 6 this morning to work on it some more.
i go to chemistry, suffer during the whole 50 minutes it is, and actually get remotely excited because shit, i'm turning in a draft of my entire thesis and its only feb 8th!! i get into the hallway and....
is posted on the door.