I went to the
BodyWorlds 2 exhibit last week at the California Science Center in Exposition Park. Don't know why I went on a Sunday; it was crowded as hell. I thought about using my vampiric powers to get out of paying, but I couldn't think of a good reason to bother.
Looking at the plastinates (they refuse to call them corpses), I was reminded of why I went to medical school in the first place. The human body is an amazing thing. It's a remarkable piece of engineering and a beautiful work of art at the same time. I spent hours there, looking at the plastinates and listening to the audio commentary they had available. I also couldn't help but wonder if it would be possible to put a vampire through the process. Apparently it takes over 1,500 hours for an entire body. Obviously, it wouldn't kill him, but would it take? Would the Kindred regenerative/restorative ability reject the process? Would any vampire be crazy enough to try it, just to see how it felt?
I wonder what members of the Ordo Dracul would think about it, since I understand they're really the only scientifically-minded group of Kindred out there. Of course, I wonder what they think about a lot of things, having never spoken to any of them for any length of time. I'll have to fix that. I had a brief chat with a Carthian a few weeks back that nearly put me to sleep. I also spoke with a really attractive Sanctified woman. I felt comfortable with her, but I'm not really sure why. She told me about some of her beliefs and some it hit home. I completely wasted my first chance at life and I haven't done a fucking thing with this one in the few years since I became a vampire. It's like the old joke about how maybe the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others. Apparently, that's sort of how the Lancea Sanctum thinks.
I don't know. I've been an atheist my entire life, but fuck...maybe I've just been refusing to see what's right in front of my face. Maybe God is out there waiting for me to wake the fuck up?
I just don't know.