(no subject)

Jan 03, 2005 19:15

Happy New Year, everyone! I am feeling better than I have in a long, long time. I can't believe that a little bitty gallbladder could make me feel so awful but there you are. It's gone and I'm feeling great. I'm almost...chirpy. I feel like when Dorothy and the others came out of the Wicked Witch's woods and everything was bright and colorful.

Today I had my first on-line class in Paint Shop Pro 8. I am quite familiar with PSP7 but was recently able to purchase PSP8 for a small amount of money. I tried to use it and found out I didn't know where all the usual things were and couldn't even find them after searching around. The beginner class caught my eye so I decided to join. Yes, yes, I know I'm one edition of PSP behind but I like it that way so just hush.

I had never been a part of an on-line class before but I had read some logs of other chats where they taught various things and found them quite funny so I kind of knew what to expect. This is a snippet of how it went:

Teacher: Ok, everyone here? Did you get into MSN Messenger ok?
(at this point everyone answers yes in some form or another and the replies are in all kinds of fonts and colors.)
Teacher: Ok, I would like everyone to please use dark blue or black for their font. I will use red so my words can be easily seen.

Melissa: Is purple ok?

Teacher: No, only dark blue or black please.

PaulD3224: I just got here, did I miss anything?

Teacher: No, just explaining to use dark blue or black font.

PaulD3224: Oh good, I overslept.

Teacher: One other thing, I would really like you to use your real name in this chat so it will be less confusing and please don't use your email address in your name for security reasons.

Barney: I don't see my name in the list of people in the chat-room.

Teacher: You won't see your own name. Only the others in the chat-room with you.

Mississippigirl: I don't see my name, either.

WeSellBostonTerriers@centurytel.net: I don't even see the list of people who are in the chat-room. Where is it at?

Teacher: Mississippigirl, please change your green font to dark blue or black, please.

Mississippigirl: Ok

Barney has left the chatroom.

Melissa: Why isn't my name showing up in the chat-room?

Teacher: You won't see your own name. The list is at the very top of the chat window. By the little arrows.

WeSellBostonTerriers@centurytel.net: I don't even see the little arrows. There must be something wrong with my MSN messenger.

Teacher: Do you have the latest version of MSN chat, WeSell?

WeSellBostonTerriers@centurytel.net: Oh yes, I just downloaded it this am. Oooooh, there it is at the top. I see it now.

Barney has signed back in.

Teacher: Welcome back, Barney.

Barney: Sorry about that, I get disconnected a lot.

Teacher: It's ok.

bloodsuckingvampire@aol.com: Will we need to have our PSP8 program open today?

Teacher: Yes, bloodsucking, that's the class I'm teaching. How to use PSP8. Please open it and have it handy next to your chat window.

Teacher: bloodsuckingvampire, please change your font to dark blue or black.

Bloodsuckingvampire: Oh, ok, sure.

Teacher: Now, there will be no idle chit-chat during this session, ok?

Melissa: Ok

Mississippigirl: OK

Barney: Ok

bloodsuckingvampire@aol.com: ok

PaulD3224: Ok

WeSellBostonTerriers@centurytel.net: Ok, but can we ask questions?

Teacher: Yes, but just type in a "?" and I'll call on you.

Teacher: Everyone find the help file at the top of PSP8. It will be the last item in the top tool-bar. Has everyone found it?

Melissa: Yes

Mississippigirl: Yes

PaulD3224: Yep

bloodsuckingvampire@aol.com: YES

Barney: No

Teacher: Barney, do you have PSP8 open on your desktop?

Barney: No, just a minute.

Barney: Ok, I have it open now.

Teacher: Good *smiles

Barney has left the chatroom.

Shirley has entered the chatroom.

Teacher: Hi Shirley, welcome to PSP8 101.

Shirley: Am I late? I didn't have MSN installed. I had to wait for it to download.

Teacher: It's ok. Just try to follow along. We're looking at the new Help system in PSP8.

bloodsuckingvampire@aol.com: This is PSP8 101? I'm supposed to be in PSP8 201!

Teacher: Sorry, bloodsucking, but that class is at 10:00 am tomorrow.

bloodsuckingvampire@aol.com has left the chatroom.

Barney has signed back in.

Teacher: Welcome back, Barney.

Barney: Sorry. Stupid dialup.

Teacher: I guess I should have made that clear at the beginning of class. This is PSP8 101. I hope everyone is in the right place now.

Shirley: Why isn't my name showing up at the top of the chat-room list? Everyone else's is!

Teacher: You won't see your own name, Shirley. Just the others.

Teacher: Ok, let's go on. The new thing about PSP8 are the tutorials and help videos which you'll find listed under HELP. This will be a great help to you when you're confused.

Shirley: I'm confused now.

Teacher: What can I help you with, Shirley?

Shirley: Nevermind, I'll just read the homework later on.

Teacher: Yes, it helps if you read it before class, then you can bring your questions to class.

WeSellBostonTerriers@centurytel.net: BRB, one of my dogs just got out.

Barney has left the chatroom.

Mississippigirl: How long are each of these lessons supposed to last? I have to pick up my daughter in an hour.

Teacher: Just one hour, Mississippigirl, but everyone is welcome to stay and chat after the lesson is over.

And so on it went. It really wasn't this bad, I've just condensed an hour into a few minutes but it was very comical and I found myself chuckling through the entire class. It's like being in school with a whole classroom full of Attention Deficit Disordered people (and/or hyperactive). Our teacher is a wonderfully patient person, though. I'm afraid I wouldn't have been as kind as she continued to be throughout the session. I can't believe how much I actually learned, too. It is so much better when someone else shows you how to do something than trying to figure out answers to things on your own, especially when you don't even know which questions to ask.

Now, along this same line of thought, is there anyone out there who knows how to play the 2,000 year old board game, Mah Jongg and can show me how? The only directions I have are the ones that came with the set and they suspiciously read as if they had been translated by Babelfish. It took us over an hour to set up the game for play and that's as far as we got. I took it along to my brother's house over Christmas break and we ended up playing some sort of made-up Rummy game with the tiles because we couldn't understand the directions. Sigh. And this is supposed to be the new hot game-of-choice for nursing home residents these days. Maybe I should go down there and have one of them show me how.
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