
Nov 19, 2012 23:55

This is from 1000 Creative Writing Prompts: Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories, and More by Bryan Cohen.

Imagine that you have a $100 bill in your wallet. You go to the grocery store and after making purchases you spend exactly $100. When you look back in your wallet you see that there is another $100. You spend it again. It comes back! Detail your first week with this ever-replenishing $100 bill.

My Ever-Replenishing $100 Bill Week

I would first take pictures of the new bills because I'd want to see if the serial numbers change and I'd also want to authenticate the bills. Assuming there are no problems with lawfully spending this money and all the businesses are getting what they are fully owed (i.e. the $100 bill doesn't disappear from the cash register after it is closed and then somehow reappear in my wallet), I would go on a spending spree for others.

With it being the week of Thanksgiving many of the food banks and charities in my area are giving away food baskets to those who need them. So Monday (today), I would spend the whole day buying food in $100 increments and taking everything to food banks and soup kitchens.

Tuesday: I would spend the day stockpiling toys for the December Christmas toy drives for kids.

Wednesday: I would buy as many $100 gift cards I could get in a day to grocery stores and general stores like Target. I would give the cards to people who need them. I would also get a few cards for me.

Thursday: Today is Thanksgiving. I refuse to go out shopping, but I can do online shopping. I would do all of my personal Christmas shopping for my family and friends. Since this question targets paper money and not electronic purchases, I will use the cards I bought the previous day to pay for this stuff.

Friday: No way am I going to deal with the Black Friday bargain hunters at the stores. I have plans to see friends on this day and I will treat them all to dinner, movies, coffee shop drinks/snacks using the cards I picked up on Wednesday.

Saturday and Sunday: I'd shop with my parents and help them make dents in their Christmas shopping lists by buying more gift cards so they can use them to pick things out. I would also do a lot of financial planning and making plans for new investments.

family, rl 12, thanksgiving, community surveys, celebrations, cwp 1000, celebrations 12, christmas, nablopomo 12

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