Apr 24, 2011 23:56
I am finally back home after spending the entire day at my parents' house where they hosted a barbecue. The last of the guests left about three hours ago and I spent that time helping them clean. I'm so tired right now, but the party was fun and the guests enjoyed themselves. The rain clouds looked ominous when I woke up this morning, but thankfully there was only slight drizzle throughout the day. I would have been sad if I had to go hunt up all the eggs and treats that I spent about an hour hiding out in the yard and then hide them again inside the house. Just thinking about it tires me out even more.
The guest who found the golden egg was one of my mother's co-workers. He received a giant chocolate bunny, a movie theater gift card, and a huge sack of Jelly Belly jellybeans. The one who found the silver egg was the niece of my godparents and she won the Amazon gift card and a mixed pack of Cadbury eggs. *sigh* Easter is my absolute favorite holiday for candy and it was so hard to give away the treats without stuffing myself silly with them. I managed to restrain myself, but I did get two packages of Cadbury caramel eggs for myself. They are in the freezer right now. I'm hoping they'll still be there by summer (i.e. I won't eat them...LOL).
Squee, package I ordered from Amazon arrived yesterday! So fast even though it was normal shipping. I got several books including Eona by Alison Goodman; it's the sequel to Eon and I've been waiting for Eona for two years. Unfortunately, there is some dispute with the Australian publisher and the book is not available in ebook form in the U.S., at least not for Kindle. Doesn't matter. It has claimed the third position on my To-Read list behind the latest books from John Flanagan (Emperor of Nihon-Ja which was also released last Tuesday) and Brandon Mull (A World without Heroes).
*sigh* When I first got my Kindle, I thought that I would be blazing through my To-Read list and that I would finally achieve my 50 book goal for the year. Then I discovered periodicals and I have been using my Kindle to read magazines. Since they aren't books, I don't add them to the list, but reading the periodicals does take up a lot of my book reading time. Gah.
celebrations 11,
rl 11