it's my third month. i don't know if i've actually adjusted already, but i'd like to recognize the main reason why i went here. maybe most of you know, but just incase, it's because of this:
working as a pre-school teacher, singaporean style
there are a lot of differences when it comes to the school set up of manila and singapore. for one, january is the start of singapore's academic year. the past weeks, i've been busy with setting up my side of the classroom. (yes, i split a classroom with another set of class) it's been so long since i did this and i suddenly knew how being accomplished felt like.
welcome to pre-nursery b 2012-2013!!
literacy support area: rhyme chart and alphabet wall
logical thinking area: number chart, shape chart, color chart
weather chart and calendar
birthday chart
oh yes, we do have a semi-loft!
being a pre-school teacher entails you to be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared. at the end of the day, i usually feel drained due to being hyper with and for the kids. it's like i'm on drugs with having too much sugar intake. and yes, i do complain about how sucky my job can get. mostly everyday because waking up early can be the hardest task and foreseeing your boss asking you to do this and that can be mind blowing.
last year, i realized that i am very blessed- family, friends and career wise. i consider it the year of appreciation and gratefulness. for 2012, together with this school year, i want it to end by me realizing that i am more hard working. i want to complain less. it hit me how fortunate i am to be where i am. i promised myself that i would give my best and learn from the daily experiences with the opportunity given to me. i also wish for stability, positive energy and plain good vibes all throughout. i wish the same for you.
note to self: work. while others are wishing to have one.