Clockwork Romance Bonus Materials

Sep 03, 2012 23:28

Fanart by anna_luna (bandom art journal: gira_luna). I can't flail enough over these.


corbae made me a pretty rocking fanmix that can be found here!


01. The Dancer by Young Magic
02. Boyfriend by Best Coast
03. Destroyer by Young Galaxy
04. Love Don't Leave Me Waiting by Glen Hansard
05. Plea from a Cat Named Virtute by The Weakerthans
06. Coucou Anne by Musette
07. Asleep on a Sunbeam by Belle & Sebastian
08. Sparks Fly Again by Beachwood Sparks
09. The Wait is Over by We Barbarians
10. This Year by Bowerbirds
11. It's You by Imperial Teen
12. Flowers Bloom by High Highs
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