Clockwork Romance Masterpost

Sep 03, 2012 23:23

Title: Clockwork Romance
Fandom: Bandom (Panic at the Disco, The Young Veins
Pairing(s): Spencer Smith/Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie/Sarah Orzechowsk
Word count: 10,186
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone.
Summary: Spencer Smith is a watchmaker and clockwork inventor who specializes in toys made to amuse children. His personal favorite is a graceful ballerina who unwinds herself from a flower to pirouette, bow to her audience and twist herself back into her flower. When a young lord comes in, interested in seeing the ballerina and hoping she's for sale, Spencer's cat (a snarky, sarcastic creature named Ryan who enjoys wearing goggles and clockwork wings) reminds Spencer of his childhood friend, another young lord named Brendon Urie.

Clockwork Romance | Clockwork Romance on A03 | Bonus Materials

Author's notes: First and foremost, I wanna thank tanisafan for not only betaing this but also for petting my head when I freaked out over this (and cheerleading me when I needed it). I'd also like to thank anna_luna for the incredible fanart and corbae for the awesomely rocking fanmix.
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