Nov 26, 2007 20:12

I just purchased a new bunny! (Not that I had one before...) and my dad thought it would be nifty to call him Mortimer Snerd. Thus, I laughed and so it was said and so it was done. Mortimer Sner (Mort, for short.) is a brown lion headed bunny. I've decided to attempt to litter train Mort. He nipped me today then pooped a few pellets on me. I need to get him a few wood sticks to chew I think. He sure is a little explorer though and few soft. I think I'm allergic a bit to Mort but that's ok. I love him anyway lol. Besides, they told me I was allergic to dogs and then my mother bought one. I was fine. I've outgrown a lot of allergies and I will just have to get used to Mort and make sure he is bathed regularly and brushed regularly as well.
I am so excited! Maybe I'll post a pic of him soon!

i heart my bunny.

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