May 08, 2006 10:28
well, my hand isnt broken
went to the hospital friday after work because everyone kept bugging me about it
tellin me my hand would never work right again and shit.
i went, i sat, i x-rayed
i didnt even get pain killers, just an ace bandage.
and only because i asked for it.
tequilla & pasta & charlie murphy friday
the tequilla and pasta were good, at least.
there was also an AWESOME fireworks display.
me and 4/5 of my housemates got wasted saturday.
two words... ever clear.
its gonna be nuts next year on 53 high street, i cant wait
we are going to be a little family.
i got irish drunk, tried to start fights. this guy on main street called laurens friend mike a fag
he is gay
i got pissed- them is fightin words.
shit was crazy, i just remember gettin in his face
all my room mates had our backs
you know, "fuck this fuck that you insecure little fuck blah blah blah"
the bus driver was like "someones insecure in their sexuality, looks like hes going home alone." when he got off.
a lot of that is a blur to me...
i have a social psych exam today at 1:30. i should be studying
but the internet provides a wealth of distractional activities.
mass comm theory exam tomorrow.
im scared.
human evolution final wednesday, yeah, not worried at all about that one.
this frat kid is gonna give me $100 to write his xtra credit paper so he passes the course.
w00t drinking money.
psychoactive drug use and abuse exam wednesday night
no exams just work thursday
friday intro to theatre, hopefully i do well on this one because i cant aford this stupid class to be my lowest grade.
then work
then home either friday or saturday.
if anyone has a large vehicle that i could use to transport my life from brockport to buffalo, please let me know.
i will pay for gas.
end report.