Napoli dogs

Nov 17, 2011 13:30

While researching which pets footballers have for use in Sims (and if anybody knows of any, tell me), I discovered a plague of Yorkshire terriers taking over Napoli. Inler, of course, had two incredibly minute pooches long before he moved there, though he sadly doesn’t seem to carry them around in a handbag. Recently Gargano’s Twitter posted the picture above, which has a puppy in it if you look extremely closely, so I naturally assumed Inler was the culprit. But the plot thickens. Finally I thought to search for “dog” on Napoli Magazine, skipping past all the entries about footballers called Cane, and discovered that Lavezzi gave Cavani a Yorkshire terrier in spring, that Cavani asked permission to name the dog Pocho because “it runs like him” (!!!!), and that when asked on a chat show, Lavezzi immediately followed this information with a delcaration that he wasn’t gay. (Yes, really. Videos of the dog, should you wish to meet him, are here.) OH NAPOLI, WHY ARE YOU A FOOTBALL TEAM AND NOT A SOAP OPERA. Or a sitcom.

football, napoli, crack

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