Random spam of randomness

Mar 22, 2009 23:50

I’ve collected a load of photos lately, half of which seem to be of Mutu (I’d exhaustively browsed the photos of everyone else in the Romania squad, and it eventually occurred to me that I was neglecting him). I know Meg and Kellie want to see the Parma photos, and I’m pretty sure there are some here that’ll interest everyone else, so here they are. (Warning: no coherent order.)

*Resignedly* All right. Let’s get naked Mutu out of the way.

*Squints* What’s wrong with his nipples? They look deformed.

...OK, right, now they don’t. YIKES *hides*

While we’re on unpleasant things, here is the worst photo of Mutu ever taken:

*Looks at it, but not too closely* It’s a combination of The Hair and his grumpy expression, I think.

Ruby, that appears to be Whatshisface Pedrelli being silly at the back there. I’m sure you’ll know better than I do. XD

This is the referee Cristina Dorcioman. She’s going to be one of the refs at the men’s world cup, but she’s only really here because I fancy her.

The secret of Cesare’s success: he keeps his charges in line by hitting them with a big old whip. (Note Mutu’s pitiable cringing if you don’t believe me.)

“Adrian, do as I say if you don’t want a quick Mr Whippy.” “But I can’t play football now, I’m busy posing!”

Not that Cesare’s got much to boast about - Christ, look at that hair. *Boggles*


Mutu’s impression of George Michael is dubious. Zlatan, on the other hand, IS Andrew Ridgeley.

*Scratches head* I seem to have an enormous number of potential LolNestas, and I don’t know why. Nevertheless: caption this picture, someone.

...And this one. XD (I really hope Sandro’s squatting down there, or else the blond gadgy’s about 6’10”.)

And back to the Mutu. Here is Nesta literally scratching his eyes out,

and then the following week, they’re back to smouldering UST. XD Oh, he does crack me up. (Mutu is, as our mates across the pond say, so not interested.)

I know nobody here like Mancini except me, but I care not. Mourinho as Captain Ahab?

I’ve found out why Phil depilates so religiously - that gadgy on the left traumatised him for life when he was at Auxerre.

Glad he doesn’t do his hair like that any more, though.

...Ditto this chap. Holy fuck... He looks so happy about it, too! I never want to hear a peep out of any of you about Christi’s hair again - at least he never did THAT.

...Or that. HAHAHAHA!!! Are we sure he’s from Romania and not, say, Afghanistan??

Oh. He’s wearing a pink T-shirt. OK, he’s definitely Romanian.

Here’s Radu, just to labour the point. I would ask if they all share the same top if I didn’t know that Goian and Panti do it too.

Now I’ve got some Rat for Martha.


Sad!Rat :(

Agonised!Rat. O_O (I’m hoping he’s just doing press-ups there, and failing on the last rep, rather than that he’s fallen over and bashed his nose on the concrete. We’ve had quite enough of that for one squad.)

*Patiently* Commie!Rat. (Note: Rat is not remotely Communist. I just said that for the sake of Martha’s ovaries.)

XDDD That book’s in Cyrillic - d’you think he can actually read it, or is he just holding it up to look intelligent? XD

DAFT. (Really, what is it with this squad??)

Right, now we have some nudity.

...Curse them for censoring his left nipple.

*Quietly intrigued* I don’t know if they had any official excuse for holding hands in public, but it’s nice to see them having fun.

Now. Christi! Here is his maternity ward sequence:

Entering the hozzy with his customary intelligent expression.

Visiting Adelina, with large “I-am-a-daddy-wahey” grin...

Ta-dah! Babified.

And here he is doing some wonky dancing with Florentin Petre,

and Rat.

Here is Mutu with IRFC. I had no idea they got presented at Inter at the same time.

Still less idea that the old Inter shirts vacillated between blue and purple. I rather wish they still did that.


Here is a giant picture of Lobby when he was at Fiorentina - I’ve had to link to it cos it’s too big to embed. Though suffering from the Curse of the Pubey Fiorentina Hair, which also affects Jovetic and Comotto, he seems happy.

Here’s another one, though it’s not as good.

Well, now it’s time for the Mutu And Gila Show. (Warning: these are really small and horrible quality.)

*Waves Meg and Kellie away* Just go and swoon, you can thank me later. (I hope that’s not to one you’ve already got. I like Gila’s swishy hair, though.)

Awww, they’re next to each other. <3

Yeah, I know it’s getting a bit tenuous now, but they’re in the same photo, OK?

The lad who’s hugging him looks like GIla to me, but I admit I’m not certain. :/

Gila’s hiding at the back.

*Sighs* That hair... Oh, that hair.


I didn’t realise they arrived at Parma at the same time, either... I’m starting to see why Martha like Mutu. He sneaks his way around Europe, stalking all the people she fancies.

XD!!! He’s SO SHORT!!

*Resignedly* I’m sorry, Adriano’s wearing that Will Smith ’tache in pretty much all the pictures.


And enjoy staring adoringly at themselves in the mirror. Well, I’d never have guessed. *Cackles*

*Scratches head* Mutu as Jazzy Jeff?

DDDDDX THE CLOTHES. THE CLOTHES. ARE JUST. *Drops down dead* Look at the old fogey inthe background! He’s more stylish than they are!

Self-explanatory. (Though I like how Adriano’s kit is too short. XD)

That’s Martha in the middle. She is a Martha of disguise.

Unless I miss my guess (which is unlikely, because, let’s face it, he’s pretty distinctive), that is Corvino the Violas are chucking in the air there. This prompts the questions: (a) How did they get him up there? and (b) What’s going to happen when he lands?

And here is Corvino cuddling Mutu. Sadly I couldn’t find any Corvino/Adriano action - I’m beginning to think we should start slashing them, just because Corvino is the only person who won’t get squished.


(Even Bobo can’t bring himself to look at it.)

Right. I think we’ve reached the jewel of today’s collection. Are we all ready, everyone?

Then please, give a big hand to... GAY!SUPERHERO!MUTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Plays Mighty Mouse theme tune* Here he comes to save the day! Thank goodness Mutu!Mouse is on his waaaaayyy!

I really haven’t got the slightest explanation for this. OK, there’s the mask, which for some reason is black and orange. Then there’s the half-blue-half-yellow jersey, the stripy socks and, as a pièce de résistance, purple compression shorts. Whoa.

Sadly there aren’t any photos from the back so I can’t check if his arse is still there, but it’s nice to know that his superhero costume is all planned out. He just needs a cape.

football, chivu

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