Green shoots

Feb 25, 2009 11:01

Have been pottering around the garden in the blasting gale. Results of the inspection are good: the daffodils near the house got a bit squashed by the men who installed the cavity insulation, but they're recovering. In even better (though predictable) news, absolutely ALL the climbers my mum declared dead last season have green buds. Ha! (I should point out to non-gardeners that my climbers very often look kind of dead due to general neglect and lack of care, and thus tend to be in articulo mortis courtesy of my mother. However, they are much tougher than she realises, fortunately for me, and generally grow back the following spring.) The only exception is the passion flower, which in any case was only an experiment; even against a south wall, it's a bit windy for it up here. I'm hoping it's just a late starter; I'll wait and see.

In non-horticultural news: never once did it occur to me that the consequences of eye laser surgery would be my eyes' becoming so gummed up with antibiotics that my eyelashes stuck together. Yeowch!


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