Title: Only Smile When I Lie
Summary: OKAY, normally I pull a line from the story as a summary, but I can't find a good one that summarizes SUPERVILLAINS IN LOVE, WAIT, IS LOVE THE RIGHT WORD? YES? PROBABLY? That's what this is about. Also mortality! Monsters! Armor! Asexuality! Gender! Violence! TRUE SUPERVILLAIN LOVE, YES.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/288980 So, like I pretty much otp Thor/Loki, but I just had to share this rec. It interweaves both movieverse and comicverse and journeys through the various Loki incarnations and it is (and I can't believe I'm saying this about these two characters) HEARTWARMING. They are adorable and their not-relationship/relationship completely plausible while being completely in-character, which is quite a feat to accomplish.
Also, it has some hilarious lines like the following:
"Tell me what else you want," Loki gasps, when he finally breaks the kiss.
Victor considers. "I want to collar you and chain you to the foot of my throne. I want to keep you as my slave."
"Ohh," Loki says. Then, "You sound as though you mean that." His eyes narrow.
Victor raises his eyebrows at Loki. "I do."
"Then it's not sexy," Loki grouses, wriggling in Victor's hands.