I did not think the judges would let it happen, but here we are. Evan is the Olympic champion.
Now that I've stopped shrieking, I'm kind of in shock.
Two questions for all the skating fans on my friends list:
1. Is anyone else feeling weirdly possessive about skating in general when the once-every-four-years fans start pretending to know things? Because I keep finding myself dropping the fact that I've been a Shen/Zhao fan since like 2002 into conversation when someone mentions how much they "loved that married Chinese pair." (And oh, just wait until dance starts, Tanith and Ben have been my favorites since before that.)
I also get a big kick out of people wuzrobbing "clean" performances that either had next to no difficulty or zero choreography.
2. And is anyone else sick of explaining the "new" judging system to people who only watch every four years? I say "new" because they used this is Torino...which part of the reason I am so damn annoyed every time Plushenko makes it out like the judging system is out to get him. He won the 2006 Olympics under this judging system...but that's a whole different rant for another time.
On the other hand, I do find it super amusing that one of our sportswriters keeps asking me for medal predictions. Yesterday he asked me if there was any point in watching the ladies competition or if he should just watch Yu-Na highlights afterwards.