Aug 01, 2006 15:39
So ...sometimes I feel like I should know better about stuff , but then stuff like the following happens..
I got dressed for work yesterday and put on my new Earl shirt...I am not a skinny girl and I have been *blessed* with a sizeable chest....and I have a tendency to wear my shirts 2 sizes too big at any given time, so this shirt is tighter then I regularly go for....but I figured what the hell. off I went to work. I walked up to the bus stop , listening to Loco Live by the Ramones and thinking.
People wers smiling at me, but I didnt think anything of it..yep, big boobs in a tight shirt, it's 8 am whatever, it's fine. I got into Hamp, and walked down Main St now listening to the Dropkicks and craving an Iced Coffee.....people were looking at me, but again , whatever.
I went into bruggers bagels, and got my stuff and when I visted the loo......I looked in the mirror.....and HELLO....nipples it's nice to see ya! I mean I think people saw as much of me yesterday as my husband AND Chris have seen. I promptly freaked out and COVERED my chest with a local indie paper and my cat bag. I RAN to work...and RAN into the clothing side and asked my coworker for a tank top, ANY tank top , and explained to her why....once she got over her laughing jag she dug up a wifebeater and I changed into it, and threw the tshirt over it. This is why I never wear white btw. So if any of you saw my nips yestrday in the downtown Northampton area, I apoligize. My co worker Ivy told me I should have left out the beater , so that more customers would come in..haha. I really need to LOOK in the mirror BEFORE I leave home in the am:)
I had a LONG talk last night, with both parties involved here. Really I am a lucky person , not many women have TWO wonderful guys in their life....I can't say much else because the entry here would be SO long....Bits of convo will be stuck in my head for days however. Oh and I can't sing , just so you know:) And there is such a thing as perfect timing yanno.Sometimes it comes REALLY late at night.
Think on that whilst I drink a pink lemon drink and debate what it actually tastes like.