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Jul 15, 2010 22:30

  • 22:48 I have been after my stepdad for him to give me information for my FAFSA for over a week and it tells me today its on his computer! -__- #
  • 23:07 @ Chrissy89 It's been on his computer this whole time!! And he didn't think to tell me??? #
  • 23:11 And apparently its my fault the dog didn't get any food today. It's not like there's 3 other people in the house that can check too. #
  • 23:11 I did however give her several biscuits. #
  • 23:23 @ Chrissy89 That #
  • 23:23 @ Chrissy89 That's usually how it goes around here. #
  • 23:29 @ Chrissy89 That job I can do. I couldn't handle being a waitress/working food. #
  • 23:33 @ Chrissy89 I'd get fired on the first day. "Oh sorry sir, you're food is too hot ? DEAL WITH IT AND EAT IT!" Lol! #
  • 23:39 @ Chrissy89 I don't have the patience for it. Glad other people do though. #
  • 03:01 Just finished Leliana's Song!! Best DLC for Dragon Age yet! #
  • 03:09 I hope they come out with more prequels. #
  • 03:14 I better be able to go to Orlais when Dragon Age 2 comes out! #
  • 03:52 @ queenanthai Rest it? #
  • 04:27 @ queenanthai @jillybuff This is the start on how the world ends. Technology will be the DOOM of us. Haha. #
  • 04:32 @ jillybuff You know they have electronic cigarettes now? #
  • 04:48 @ jillybuff That's what I thought when I read that article. All of is is kind of ridiculous. #
  • 04:56 After playing Leliana's Song I realized how cool and awesome it would have been had Bioware created the Warden to speak. #
  • 06:32 @ queenanthai Yep! #
  • 13:13 @ queenanthai I hate that they combined both shows. They didn't even put Doyle on there! #
  • 13:17 @ evchristine I haven't bee able to find out if In Plain Sight has gotten picked up for a 4th season yet! They can't end it now! #
  • 13:17 @ evchristine Mary's father should be close to returning! #
  • 13:18 TARA FTW! #
  • 15:02 @ queenanthai GAH!!! I like that its not completely black. #TeamAlice #
  • 17:54 @ allsingalong Oh god that episode is so funny!!! #
  • 20:21 I hate this wireless! #
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