I'm on hiatus.

Nov 24, 2008 15:54

I hesitated really long with this. But I think it's kind of unavoidable now ~

I will be on hiatus from now on.

I have no idea how long, probably until Christmas due to all the tests I'm writing now.
I have to study a lot and I think you noticed that I haven't been posting something the last days.
I'll continue to check the communities and probably the personal LJ's too but I can't promise :]
And though I'll leave a comment, I probably won't answer it >__< Sorry.

xDD It's probably a mean thing to say but I hope you'll miss me a bit.
But on the other hand, I'm more on semi-hiatus because I still check on LJ's and everything.
I don't have a good feeling for all the tests I've written so far and for all the upcoming ones either xD
But I just have to do it, somehow and I will do it somehow ^^
And then there are Christmas presents and everything, ouch :)

I hope I can update some time until Christmas, it's a whole month ne. But we'll see.

But .. I can't leave w/o showing off my posession ^-^

SHOUT-OUT's under the cut as well ♥

I listen to their music all day, watch their shows before I go to bed and look at their pictures for minutes.
I'm supposed to be crazy about JE and stuff but Super Junior and DBSK making me smile so much these last days.

But let's start with KAT-TUN.

credits: futari_love .

Okay xD It's not KAT-TUN, I admit it.
But my Bo-chan is just so pretty ♥ Well, under the hat like Kelley said xD
But still. And his voice. Omg :)
I loved the whole performance on MS. And I want to see the PV.
Ah, KAT-TUN .. I guess you'll still be my #1 forever? <.<
Even though there's only one picture and it's not KAT-TN? xD

No NEWS. I just don't know .. what to put here xD
There's nothing to talk about
*gets stabbed from all the NEWS fans* Haha, sorry.

Okay xD Now comes the part that makes me really hyper and everything xD
Umm, yes, K-Fandom. xDD Who thought that.
Starting with DBSK. I really can't decide between DBSK and Super Junior!
It's weird but I can't xD

FIRST :D Thank you Anisha for sending me all the DBSK pictures xDD
You make me fall for them more and more and MORE.
Jae looks good here xD *biased* His scarf is cool.
And Yunho's clothes ~ and Changmin and wth, their hair xD And all. ♥

Words needed? I was basically speechless seeing this xD
Jae looks so INCREDIBLE hot. I just can't believe it xD
The hat. I love it! And the clothes xD
I noticed that you can see nearly his whole leg xDD
Oh Jae DDDD: Don't kill me like this.
On the other hand, please kill me like this, I want more xD

I just can't leave out Changmin xDD I got into him these days.
He's hot. Not as hot as Jae or Yunho but still xD
He reminds me so so so much of Taguchi and .. I like him xD

It's just not fair that DBSK has so much sexiness xDD
I mean, just look at him. HOT :D
I can't stop looking at him and Jae.
I love this guy more and more as well. He's love xD
Especially after the mini drama I've watched with them.
I never expected him to be CUTE xDD

Haha, sorry for being so biased .. and putting only 3 of DBSK xD
But I don't want to spend too much time here so, sorry Junsu and Yoochun xD

And let's come to the good part :D (sounds like the others weren't good T__T)
xDD Who said I can't decide between SuJu and DBSK? :D

Ahaha xD  I have so many favs in Super Junior! So, I won't put all of them.
Sorry again for being biased, I can't help it.
I'll put my Top 6 here, or probably Top 7? xD Or Top 8. MAN.

It's gettingt too long for a hiatus post.

Starting with my beloved HeeChul haha xD
I fell so in love with this dorky guy, I can't believe it.
He's a little too dorky for his age xDD But so love.
Ah, and so cute ♥ But he turns into an emo, if I can say so xD
I want your old hair back!! *hugs*

Probably I should say that they don't have any order? I just can't decide xD

I have like tons and tons of Donghae pictures but for some reason ..
I keep staring at this one xDD You can't see his face really ne xD
But I like the hair xD Amazing. And his arms! His body.
You can see that he is a great dancer xD
Ahaha xD Dorky Donghae turned into sexy Donghae ♥

Sorry :D Probably there are shoots where you can see them better but still.
Isn't it sexy? OmG, Siwon ♥♥ I like him more and more as well xD
Ah, I have to watch a video with him and HanKyung today, like Biggy told me ~
I can't stop looking at this T__T

Awwww KyuHyun ♥♥
He's so cute ahaha xD
The youngest ne. I laugh so often about him xD
He's like everywhere in his thoughts but he looks never at the camera xD
And then the articles with him xDD Oh, Kyu :D

And Wooooooookie. So pretty!
Sometimes he reminds me really of a girl.
But that's nothing bad xD He's cute with it.
And I like his face, I don't know why ~

And the shoot again xDD
Oh, I have so many pictures of him,
I want to post them all T__T So pretty.
And I love when he is crying xDD And his hair. Always so girly.
Ah, LeeTeuk. ♥♥
I was too lazy to edit the text on the scan <.<

Okay, it turned into Top 7 xD
I considered to put KiBum here too,
then it'll be Top 8 but it's enough now xD
HanKyung .. I didn't like him that much at the beginning xD
But he's really cute and pretty! ~
And always so cute with his korean haha xD

Another picture xD
LeeTeuk and HeeChul. Aww, I love them ~
Though HeeChul's hair .. ah, it's okay haha xD
But LeeTeuk, so pretty. Why are you so so SO pretty? xD
They're cute together *-* How I wish to see SuJu live >__<

There's no other word than COOL for this picture!
They all look so good xD I mean, Wookie, his face, WOW ♥
And then Donghae, I like this yellow and his hair and omg xD
And Henry, he's so cute too! I love this pic ... and the collection xD

Okay. I have to study now. I'll stop with pics here :]

I just wanted to say something to the most important people here.
Only on LJ here, Nicole, don't worry haha xD
Just because ~ I'm really happy to have friends like I have.
And don't be angry if you're not here, kay >__<
and there's no order again.

haizul : Hazel-chan ne ~ Ah, I guess I told you too often that I'm happy to know you but I really am. I'll continue to write you a message everyday and it doesn't count how busy I am, just because it's you and I love you so much. I hope you can keep up with your studying and everything. I'll look forward to the time you return from your hiatus, dear! *hugs*
And thank you for supporting me.

hotarumyst : Kelley :) I should blame for getting me into Super Junior ne :D Thank you so much. And you're giving so me much ne? I don't know, it's undescribable. I like to read your entries and your flailing and everything and it gives me a good feeling and I try to give a little back to you :] *hugs*

marielizangela : Maria :> I'm a little worried about you, still. You seem to switch between happy entries and sad ones ^^ Your serious entries the last days .. I thought a lot about them, really. Like, we should say 'Thank you' for our life ne. I'm really happy to know you. It's fun to write messages with you and we're both slow with comments haha xD And we're so alike sometimes. Ah, I have no words ^-^ *hugs*

princessofdorks : Acha xD You're such an interesting person and I don't even know why ~ but I love to talk with you, it's so enjoyable. And your entries are as well ^-^ I wished we could talk more often, ne :)

samantha_0311 : Anisha-chan :] You're so important in my life! Not only on LJ but still, I just wanted to say 'Thank you' to you. Just because you are a great person. You cheer me up in many ways, talking to you is always fun. Once I receive a message from you, I'll try to answer immediately and I'm so happy xD And I should say also 'Thank you' for bringing DBSK on all the time ne .. *hugs tight*

yamapishige : Olivia! I haven't heard of you some time now! How are you doing? I hope you're fine. Because the last time we talked you weren't that happy, were you? So, I just want to let you know that I miss you, okay? :) I hope we can talk again, soon. Because it's fun with you. *hugs*

yuyako16 : Mayne :D We haven't talked in a while, ne. But still, you are one of the most important people on LJ to me! I just can't describe it. I missed you so much during the time you were on hiatus, well, you still are in some way. I really really miss our talks .. *hugs*

And this is only for LJ friends, ne :) Nicole, don't worry haha xD You're important too, of course.

I'll end my long picture with a Super Junior pic then.
They're cute ne. And Wookie's look haha xD
But wtf, Henry, what're you doing huh xD

Okay, I'm off to study geography ne ^^
I'll miss posting. But at least I can comment ne ~

Bye Bye Byecicle ~
*waves & hugs all*

dbsk, super junior, myself, shout-out, stuff, friends

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