The bench at the sea (Chapter 2)

Mar 24, 2008 14:46

Yay everybody :D 
The second chapter of my story :)
I'm really happy ^^
Enjoy ..

Title: The bench at the sea (Chapter 2)
Rating: PG -13 .. ?
Pairing: Ryoda, Kameda
Summary: Koki got mad at Ryo because Ryo troubled Ueda. And Kame cheered Uebo up .. 
A / N: I really love Kame in here :D He's so cute *-*

The bench at the sea

Chapter 2

Ueda entered the room of KAT-TUN without knocking on the door and he didn’t close the door. He just ran into the room and threw himself on the sofa and cried. The members of KAT-TUN watched helplessly at each other before they went slowly to Ueda and comforted him.

“Ueda, what happened? Was it that bad?”, Kame asked nearly soundless while he put a hand on Ueda’s shoulder.

“Ueda, do you want sweets? I have some here in ..”  Jin stopped as he received a killing look of Kame.

“Anno”, began Ueda, between his sobs, “Ryo .. he was .. in the room .. and  …”

“What did he do?”, Maru asked him calmly while he gave Ueda one tissue after another.

“He .. he called me a jinx .. because .. I had the unlucky news for him ..”

“BASTARD!”, Koki shouted and turned towards the door but Junno held him back.

“Don’t cause any more conflicts, Koki. One problem is enough, don’t you think so?”, Junno asked and looked quietly into his eyes.

Koki nodded and sat down on the ground. He looked up to see Ueda. He was a picture of misery in Kame’s arms.

“Uebo, you aren’t a jinx or something like that. And I think you know this. You are an unbelievable person, irreplaceable and unique. And don’t give anything on things Ryo said. You know that he is just a person like that. Don’t take it serious, Tat-chan, please. It’ll break you if you take it for serious!”

Kame continued still.

Kame is real good in cheering Ueda up, Koki thought.

Suddenly the door opened rough and cold air poured into the room. Ryo stood in the door with a meaningless expression on the face.

It was absolutely quiet in the room and Koki piped down.

Ryo’s eyes searched through the room until he found Ueda in Kame’s arms and he stared at him.

Nakamaru noticed that Ryo hadn’t come to apologize because his eyes were cold and not full of remorse.

“What - do - you - want - Ryo?”, Maru asked very slowly and loud.

“Just wanted to look at our cry-baby. Isn’t he sweet? Run into the arms of someone to cry. Ueda, you’re sure, you’re a real man? I think …”

Koki interrupted him.

“Ryo, who do you think you are, hm? The superstar? The macho? I don’t know what you think, but you are none of these things.You and your behaviour are just embarrassing! How could you hurt such a nice person like Ueda? He haven’t done anything anytime to you but you always have to badger him!”

“Koki, it’s okay…”, Ueda stuttered but Koki didn’t hear it.

He stepped forwards and Ryo began to grin. Koki felt provoked and so he clenched his fist and looked straight at Ryo.

Kame looked at Nakamaru and Junno and they unterstood his aim. Slowly Kame stood up and he took Ueda with him. They both went out of the room past Koki and Ryo while Junno and Nakamaru tried hardly to stop Ryo and Koki before they started a fight.

Neither Koki nor Ryo noticed that Kame and Ueda were gone. Even after they stopped they didn’t really care about Ueda who was the cause for their argument and Ryo just rushed through the door.

“Where are Kame and Ueda?”, Koki asked wondering while he were sitting comfortable on the sofa.

Maru and Junno grinned at each other. He really didn’t noticed they were gone.


Kame and Ueda walked out of the building. Kame held Ueda’s hand and directed him like this to a very beautiful place not far away from their house where they work. He had been often there and so he felt very good as he saw the white bench in front of the big sea. Ueda looked surprised but Kame knew that this was a place after Ueda’s fancy.

“I … I have never been here”, Ueda said overwhelmed.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”, Kame smiled while he looked over the water.

They both sat down on the bench and for a moment they kept silent. They watched the sun reflected in the clear blue water. It seemed that the sea was endless. There was silent around them except the birds who sang their songs. Kame reached for Ueda’s hand and with a little smile he hold it.

“Kame ..”, Ueda began.

“Pssst”, Kame put a finger in front of his mouth.

Ueda smiled. But he began again.

“Kame, I want to thank you. You’re such a good friend, I don’t know why I deserve you. You’re always there for me. And you have always good words for me to cheer me up when .. ano, when I’m not in a good mood. I think I never really thanked you for that and of course I know that it’s not naturally to have a friend like you. I mean .. I really like you, Kame-chan”, Ueda shut and looked not to Kame but at the wide sea.

As an answer Kame put his head on Ueda’s shoulder and sighed.

“Look at this beautiful sky. The sunset is just unbelievable, isn’t it? She disappears slowly in the water.”

Ueda didn’t say a thing. He just thought again of Kame’s warm and poetic words.

He slowly turned his head to look at Kame but he forgot that Kame’s head was on his shoulder. So Kame noticed his movement and he did the same. So they looked at each other and their faces were only a few centimetres in distance. It was just a moment, but none of them turned away. Then Kame smiled lightly and put his head again on Ueda’s shoulder.

“It’s nearly romantic”, whispered Kame and Ueda laughed.

But Ueda didn’t really know, if Kame’s sentence was just for a laughter. It really was romantic. What had Ueda given to read Kame’s thoughts in that moment …

“Ueda?” “Yeah?” “Are you hungry?”

Ueda interrupted his thoughts. “Yes, I think, I am”, he responded.

Kame jumped energetic of the bench and pulled the thoughtful Ueda with him.

“Than let’s go eat something”, he shouted with a real happy voice.

Ueda followed him smiling.


Comments are love as always :D
Yay, I think I'm in love with Kame ^^ 
He's really cute, isn't he? :)
& Ryo is still so mean .__.

kameda, fanfic, ryoda

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