My dad is like a puppy...

Sep 11, 2008 22:57

A chubby, naughty puppy who doesn't listen. Only he isn't cute.

Chocolate makes him sick if he eats it at night.
Mom made cookies.
He begs for a cookie and I try to stop him for his own good.
He whines and asks mom if he can have one; she says I had one.
He goes around me for a cookie.
He proceeds to comment on how they smell bad and how they look "Halloweeny". Hello, candycane stripes are for Christmas. He then comments about how it will probably cause gas.
He eats it and proceeds to drop part of it in the sink by accident and has to go dig it out.
He asks if he can eat it, and mom's like "was it less than three seconds?"
Me: "It was more like ten."
Her: "I wouldn't eat it."
Him: "I guess I'll have to get another cookie."

Good Lord in Heaven. ._.
Why are men so obnoxious and agravating? And they never listen.

Then he's all like "Lindsey, go to bed! D:"

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
He doesn't understand me at all. He has no respect or consideration for anyone.
Why? Why? Whyyyy? @_@
Please turn him into a gentleman one day. Soon.

dad, stupid men

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