What is this?

Sep 06, 2008 20:22

Oh gee, what to say?

Life is so dead right now, and though I managed to crank out that one-shot and a (rushed) review of "Koi Cupid" volume 01, not a lot is going on worth mentioning.

Things are about the same at my job and I basically spend my free time stalking auctions, reading, watching anime or occasionally TV (like Travel, History, Animal Planet, Discovery...), listening to music, or drawing. The last of which I've decided needs some research and experimentation. Well... I experimented with a new skin tone and lets just say it was a disaster. DO NOT ASK ME THE NAME OF THE POOR SOUL WHO SUFFERED MOST HORRIBLY FROM THIS MISTAKE(! DX) Sloppy coloring is sloppy. And I've experimented with watercolor paper too which is hard to ink on. I don't know.

Work and life is same. Life is boring, work is either dead or I'm given a bunch of stuff to keep me busy that I don't get too excited about, but I'm experimenting with ads too (more cautiously).

I got (and read already) Shinkuro 7 (for real this time) and Kitchen Princess 5. See? Im starting to catch up, and it might be soon because that cliff is going to bug me for ages. Need to snatch up half-priced volumes 2 and 3 of Pixie Pop on my way home from work next week too.

On a side note, does anyone know of any musical artists or seiyuu whose music I might like? Um, lately I've been listening to Cascada. I also like Within Temptation a bit. recently I realized I have a lot of Avril Lavigne songs, too (how did this happen?? I don't really like her as a person, but apparently a lot of her songs are catchy and/or fit what I'm looking for). Generally I like pop/rock music and nothing too heavy, and the language doesn't matter. I like ballads and upbeat music. I'm not picky, really, although I don't like music with lots of cursing and I'm not a big fan of rap music. Favorite seiyuu include Katsuyuki Konishi, Nana Mizuki, Shoko Nakagawa, etc.

art, fanfiction, experimentation, drawing, television, needs moar practice, life sucks, the gentleman's alliance cross, manga, work, kitchen princess, koi cupid, anime

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