Failingly epic or epicly failing?

Sep 10, 2009 20:23

They're working me to death on the stupid Riverfest gang page. Agh! D: Also we're switching paper sizes this weekend so it's a huge headache figuring out what the new sizes are. I have a sheet with the listings, though, so it helps.

Fail!Logic: Charge more for the paper, yet take an inch off each side. I'm sure customers will be happy about that. Also, I already have some real estate listings at 4.5 pt font. Um... if I go any smaller, you won't be able to read it.

So I looked up the Baltimore Inner Harbor and the Aquarium. They supposedly have Golden Lion Tamarins! ;; And a FOUR STORY MALL...? I've never seen a mall that was more than like... two stories before. I think. I wouldn't know what to do with one bigger than that... And they have a science museum and an art museum ;; I know we won't have time for another museum but, but--! Eee planetarium. I've never actually been in a planetarium, even though my college had one. That's really sad, self...

Anyway, Baltimore looks like a really pretty place. Yes.

...holy moly ravioli I just realized Baltimore's where Hairspray "took place". XD Maybe when I get there I should break out into song... "Good morning Baltimoreee~~! Every day's like an open doorrr~". Man I am slow. I blame the cold. Okay? Good.

It's only (only?) about a four hour drive, so I figure if I charge my iPod and bring a book or two along, I'll be perfectly content. Might search for a few new songs to put on it, though, so I won't be listening to the same things as always.

Speaking of listening, I did write up a terrible summary for Special Fon Disc 6. (Someone let me know if anyone ever uploads #5?) Excuse any errors. Not only do I NOT know Japanese, but I've been sick and lately my motivation/creativity level has plummeted to zero. In other words I'm just kinda like "blah". But you can still get the basic idea. Maybe.

My favorite is still #4... Because I am a horrible person who is amused by Tear wimping out over ghosts and unleashing her killer death grip.

"Tales of the Abyssman~!"

Warnings: Um... lots of Suzuki Chihiro (Luke) yelling and screaming. I think Luke has short hair by now because his vocal quality seemed a little different in comparison to the other fon discs. (How can I tell? I'm just that awesome. Uh... I'm making an educated guess. Plus he didn't meet Peony until after Akzeriuth.) Just run with it, please.

The group heads to Grand Chokmah to see Emperor Peony, and spot an advertisement for a circus performance in the park. Peony shows up a bit later and proceeds to tell them about a show for the kids featuring "Abyssman" that coincidentally he was hoping they'd take part in. Luke's all like "Abyssman... what's that?" Guy, naturally has to explain. Abyssman! The defenders of justice (seigi no mikata) who protect the world from evil, blahblahblah.

So to start off the show, they let Mieu be the announcer, which was... a bad wonderful choice because he keeps hesitating and being like "Ah... ah! Mieu! Master this is so cool desu no~! Mieu gets to be the announcer~! Ums... everyone, thank you for waiting! Now it's time... for... ums... mieu... Master, what am I supposed to be saying?". Meanwhile Peony and Ion are in the audience with Ion commenting on how much fun the show sounds like it will be. (Fun indeed. A real blast!)

Meanwhile Mieu's still struggling and Tear's whispering help to him. Luke makes some comment that Tear might as well be the announcer (indeed, because she pulled off the maid/hostess voice SO WELL in Fon Disc numero uno) given how much she's helping Mieu and is wondering if everything will turn out okay. Guy's trying to help by saying Mieu's doing his best. Then Natalia starts lecturing Luke about his attitude being horrible and that all of them are putting their power together. Luke ends up throwing a tantrum anyway.

But then Anise has to show off her beautifully kawaii~! ♥ pink costume. They all spend a lot of time commenting on it. Yada yada.

Back to the show.

Guess who the villain is? :D Yes, it's Jade-- er... Abyss Blue-- no!! the Evil Fonist~ (or something). He was getting really into the whole evil laughter thing... And the kids are getting really into it, too!

The rest of the party, not so much, but Luke's finally like "Alright, let's go!" and starts yelling at Jade... only he forgets HIS lines and Tear has to start hissing them at him. Luke... really sucks, to be frank. Then Guy has to help him out. The Evil Fonist and Lu-- Abyss Red exchange some dialogue and you can sometimes tell that Jade's laughing because Luke's being so retarded and not because he's evil.

And so, then the Evil Fonist kidnaps Mieu (as a hostage, I imagine) and casts Thunder Blade. Since when did this involve real fighting? Now, obviously!

Just when all seems lost...

"Wait!! RENDING SABER!!" ("Matte!! KOUGA MEISHOUZAN!!!", apparently.)

Enter Asc--- Abyss Silver! (First time Asch has appeared in the Fon Discs unless he was in #5... /o/)

Asch: "Are you okay, cheagle? NOW! HURRY AND GET AWAY!"
Mieu: "Thank you desu no~!" *float*

Pfft! Asch was so into it that it was hilarious, and then Natalia goes into lovey-dovey mode. Srsly. It's precious but really REALLY scary.

Natalia: Asch!! No-- Abyss Silver!
Asch: Na-natalia! Uh, no, that is, I mean...! GREEN!

Etc etc. Drama increases exponentially. I guess those two really aren't so different, huh? *bricked*

Natalia: SILVER~!
Asch: GREEN~! *they embrace*

Mushy moment, what? Luke and co. are just like "..."
Anise: ...those two are lost in their own world. >_>;;

Then Asch just leaves. Yep. Just "I'll see you again later..." and whoosh!

Oh right, so about the crew and the Evil Fonist!
It's finally pose + speech time!

And Luke needs help again. Whodda thunk it.
Abyss Red. Abyss Black. Abyss Orange. Abyss Green. Abyss Pink... well Anise's is not really a speech. She sort of... sings and Jad--- er, Evil Fonist?! makes fun of her and she gets annoyed. She ends up summoning Tokunaga to which the others are like "??! Tokunaga?! Anise what are you doing?!"

Meanwhile Peony and Ion are watching and Ion's all "GET HIM ANISE!! >=O ...."

Anyway, battle ensues and they end up blowing the stage up with a giant


So then afterwards Peony asks them to perform for the kiddies again. And everyone replies in unison "NO WAY!!!"

Also, last night I found a really nice Tales of (Symphonia, Dawn of the New World, Abyss, Vesperia) AMV. The spoilers are listed as "extreme", but... uh, most of it you wouldn't really understand very well unless you've played the games or stopped and really analyzed the AMV. I think. I'll share anyway and you can watch at your own risk. I really like the captions and there are some nice masking effects. At one point there's a transition between Yuan and Jade both summoning their weapons that looks really cool. It gets really interesting in the middle/end, I think. Here's the link.

Also, Reala has me intrigued now. What are the chances of me obtaining ToD2 or finding detailed information on the game? Hrm.

baltimore, work failage, work, tales of destiny 2, tales of amv, tales of the abyss

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