'Nother meme.

Sep 06, 2009 00:00

I was going to rant-post (about IRL stuff) but now I'm too tired to do so. In other news, I have a strong desire to go find old songs I used to love, cram them into my iPod, and experience a wave of nostalgia. =/ Hmm...

Ask any of my RP characters a question and I'll reply in-character as them with an answer. Ask anything, regardless of whether you know their canon or not. Also, feel free to ask them IC.

Here's my list of journals. I'd prefer if you stuck with characters I actively roleplay as, but, I could try to answer for others. Keyword: try. Also, please specify if you want canon-based answers or answers based on the RP(s) they're played in. Yes, it makes a difference.


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