First off, if have not heard Lucas Grabeel's new single "You Got It", I'm putting it up for download
here (though I'd suggest you buy it on iTunes, as it was just put up there). I swear, it's one of the best songs I've heard in awhile from the US pop scene. It's very experimental, and it doesn't really have a melody, but the lines "You git it so good/Make this dance floor hot", and similar lines are repeated. That sounds repetitive, but each time Lucas sings the line, it's in a different way. It's like he couldn't decided if he wanted to sing it nonchalantly, or if wanted to belt it, or rap it, or croon it, so it just decided to play around with his voice and see what came out. He's extremely talented vocally, so he can just do this, and it sounds amazing!
This is a dance song, clearly, if the lyrics I put above don't make this clear. Similar to the vocals, the beat is extremely creative, and there is no one sound. There's an acoustic guitar pretty much throughout the whole song, but various keyboards, more guitars, a harmonica, and "sci-fi" sounds mixed into different beats throughout keep the song fresh, but it feels all like the same track.
HEROES SEASON TWO TOMORROW!! I'm so excited! I've been watching the first season DVD obsessively, so I'm all prepared for the new season! xD And the Entertainment Weekly issue with Masi in armor on the cover...*pile of fangirl mush* I can't wait to see the new season, especially with all of the new characters-especially Kensei! And I wonder what's happened to everyone to. Well, we know about Hiro, but Sylar seems to have slithered into a sewer, nad it looks like Peter and Nathan went kaboom, but everyone is in the promotion for the new season (well, I was assuming Peter would stay alive due to his regenerating powers and all, but I'm still curious about him, along with everyone else).
Also, I'm doing that meme where you have people comment with a fandom/character/pairing, and you comment back with three personal canon facts about them. So, fandom away! xD