
Jul 26, 2007 22:17

I've wanted to go vegan for some time, and the only thing that has really held me back is that I love going out to dinner (when I can afford it). Eating should be a big social experience enjoyed with lots of wine and good friends, and having been a pescatarian for some time, I've always had a huge chip on my shoulder about how limited my options are in most restaurants - and thats without even cutting out fish! So this is my main issue - I would never, ever be able to eat out again were I to do this. So here's what I've been thinking: would it be completely insulting and, quite frankly, lame, to all true vegans if I were to stick to a vegan diet when at home and at friends' houses and etc, but to just be as vegan as possible when in restaurants?

I really want to do this. The only issue is that I love fish! But then I remember that its not about me, its about my principles. I disagree with factory farming and bottom trawling (yes, fine, giggle, it sounds like a homophobic jibe!), and the misery cows and hens have to go through for dairy and eggs. All are done with such a complete disrespect for life. I don't want to be one of those people who agrees with the principle of say, carbon offsetting, but decides that their one little flight to Scotland won't make that much difference because they don't do it that often, and besides, being stuck in a car for that long would be hellish. Get off the fucking fence! Either you care, or you don't.

Nazi hippie rant over.
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