To all the Tsubasa fans I've been seeing lately, seeing as my rant is about to be really selfish, I shall now stick to just posting on my LJ and not on any forum or any community.
I've actually been wanting to rant about this for quite some time but I held back cause I felt selfish. But upon realizing that I'm slowly losing interest in Tsubasa and
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And now, I'm just so absolutely pissed cause now you all hate Sakura. Oh noes! Sakura's such a selfish prat now! She took Fye away from his darling Kuro, his one true love! She's so stupid! What is she doing?! Oh noes, she's going to see Fye's past! Why not Kuro? I hate Sakura! She's so spoiling the KuroFye love! And she's hurting poor R!Syaoran!
XD Props to you Michiru. This is just so hilarious. I wonder if I'll be killed by all the diehard KuroFye fans for finding their predicament amusing.
I've given up on discussing my fandoms with people I don't know personally well, and have been sticking to reading fic, fanart and icons/graphics.
And while I agree with most of the things you say, I'd have to say that I'm one of those anime people. I mean, I don't hate the anime (much), but I don't love it either (need to watch all of the second series to really know), but if someone were to start discussing the anime, then I would be someone who starts capslocking and gasping with shock and curse BeeTrain to.. some place unpleasant. And then provide a link to the manga and spazz about it until they read it. Other than that my tolerance for anime isn't all that great, especially with all the fillers I hear people talk about. Don't get me wrong, it does have it's good points, like the OST and the seiyuus, so um.. I can't quite recall what point I was trying to make anymore. :x
I was once scolded for supporting Sakura because I love her a lot and was defending her, and was told off saying she's just a character and not worth getting worked up over.
I understand so much! A girl at school was calling me a fool, delusional, and not quite right in the head, etc. for obsessing over characters that aren't 'real' because I thought that Syaoran was hotter than some 'real' football player she liked. I didn't really feel insulted at the time, because of course she wouldn't be able to understand. But when I told her there were millions of people in the world who are like me, and obsess over anime/manga characters, she called me a liar and an idiot, and that's when things get annoying. It's like sentimental value. What you view as precious and dear might not even be worth a second glance to someone else, and you just have to avoid those people who can't, no, don't want to understand. Or try to anyway.
Next, the Sakura issue. Man, this makes me want to headdesk myself to much. You know I love Sakura right? (though not as much as you and not as much as Syaoran either) And I support her, especially with her newfound sense of responsibility. It may be typical, her decision to leave them, but it's Sakura, of course she'd look out for the others! SakuSyao will forever remain my ONE TRUE PAIRING. But with R!Syaoran thrown into the mix, well, I've never been one for romantic drama that involves love triangles because they make me anxious just thinking about it, which was why I've resolved to love Syaorancest. I'll reserve my SakuSyao love for CCS only, for now, because I fear looking for fics in the Tsubasa section if only for the fact that it's full of KuroFye. =___=
And no Michi, you're not being a prat. I understand why you're so frustrated (angry, etc.), because who wants to step onto a battlefield when something was originally supposed to be a civilised discussion? So Michiru, don't lose your love for Tsubasa, for SakuSyao, for anything, just don't expect too much from the fans. Because we're all human and not everyone can get along together and there will always be jerks and idiots floating around the place making the fandom unpleasant. But once we get over it (um, impossible with the amount of idiocy in humanity), we'll come to cherish the cool fans we do meet and get to know because of the fandom. =3 So let us just flail over our loves, and over the lovely fics, and try and try to ignore the idiots.
Okay, okay, okay. I'm such a hypocrite, I'm not openminded, and I'm not in the least bit non judgemental. So fuck. C!Syaoran = Gary Stu? XO WHO THE HELL SAID THAT?! >=E He is the most adorable thing ever.
As for the anime, I don't mind if you stuff the manga down their throats especially when they mix anime facts with the manga. But there was this one girl who was discussing about the anime ONLY and she made that clear that she wasn't mixing it with the manga, but she got bashed becuase they believe her discussion is irrelevant as it's not from CLAMP thus not worth talking about, which is wrong. And that's what pissed me off.
I know what you mean, I do get that a lot in real life as well. But what bothered me about that flame was that this came from a fellow Tsubasa fan who should know how we can be emotionally attached to characters. To dismiss what I say just because I love Sakura and all, I suddenly have no right to support her as she's "just a character". That's what made me angry. I'm sure these people love their characters as well and will get hurt (no matter how small) if someone hates their fav characters.
This is exactly why I don't mind Sakura. In fact, I support her even more cause I'm sure I would've done the same thing as her. With R!Syaoran around, even I'm confused but I support C!Syaoran regardless as it's clear that Sakura still loves him. But I love R!Syaoran too and don't want him to be alone... Thus instead of flaming or bashing a character, I want to wait for CLAMP to clear things up. Sadly, not a lot of people think so.
And I can't stand because of the many KuroFye fics. -__- I love S+S and would love to write fics but with the way things are going in the manga, it's just hard.
And thanks, I really don't want to lose my love for Tsubasa and ESPECIALLY Sakura and Syaoran which I've sworn eternal love for (Lol!!!) but the fans have really been putting them down a lot to the point that even I can't find a reason to why I love them at times. Defending them is pointless, since no one listens. But you're right, everyone's human. So I shall just have my little S+S celebration and fangirl over them without being in a forum and such, as it's too late to save them there. Oh, and I need to look for more good Tsubasa S+S fics which are rare now. Very rare. @__@
C!Syaoran = Gary Stu. There was a topic about that in CW. Syaoran just seemed so perfect and nice and able to do anything... thus getting the title. But geez, isn't it obvious there's something wrong with him with all the eye problems and his twin. -___-
I can't say I've ever felt like I was on the losing side for not liking KuroFye, maybe because I don't pay fans of that pairing much attention than I do the pairings I do support. But it would be annoying if someone scorns you for not liking the pairing they like. I know that I myself may come off as that type of person, but really I just feel sad when I speak to someone who I know doesn't love my pairings as much as I do. Er. But I digress.. =_=
The world is filled with hypocrisy. That flamer is just being selfish and doesn't want to listen to what others think. It seems as if that person only cares about their own opinion, everyone else be damned, so those kinds of people. Meh.
So I shall just have my little S+S celebration and fangirl over them without being in a forum and such, as it's too late to save them there.
God! Even though I'm not as avid as I use to be, I'LL FANGIRL WITH YOU. ♥
C!Syaoran = Gary Stu. I refuse to believe this. (yes, yes, selfish of me) But if people go around calling Syaoran a Sue, then they might as well go around calling nearly every other character a Sue as well!
Kurogane for example. Not that I hate Kurogane, quite the opposite, but.. Kurogane has a tragic past, that makes people feel sorry from them. And plus, the most common type of Gary Stu "tend to be brooding and [are] frequently violent." -wikipedia.
Sakura herself be viewed as a Sue, and Fye, and every other bloody character there is in there. People forget that a Sue character usually (mostly all the time) applies to fanon and fanfiction. Not the manga/anime itself. Unless of course you count that otaku girl in Ouran Host. Hm.
And if people want to go around saying how Syaoran seemed perfect and able to do anything, well, he wasn't able to fight against Seishirou, I mean he got himself killed in the cyber world, etc.
Er. Sorry for turning that into a rant. I just.. Ah.. =_=
tend to be brooding and frequently violent.
The thing about most KuroFye fans is that they practically populate a lot of the forums. Thus, whenever I mention S+S, I practically get ignored and when I make a fuss about it, they make it sound like I'm being such a prat. That's when it feels like you really aren't welcome if you're not talking about KuroFye.
Anyway, I've given up on people like them. I really didn't expect it in the Tsubasa fandom but I should've seen it coming, I suppose.
Yay!!! Fangirl! ^^
That was what exactly bothered me about a lot of what the community's saying lately. Truth be told, none of the characters in Tsubasa are original... but yet they each have a special twist that makes them likeable. To just hate one character becuase they don't fit your interest or seem cliche to you... That's what gets to me.
The fandom needs to grow up and learn to love and accept every character without making such a fuss about it.
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