Nov 12, 2007 02:12
"lunch" is a euphemism for smex. As I learned earlier.
How dare my parents not appreciate Jimmy's singing voice. It is quite possibly the biggest of loves.
Also, my phone is teh ghey. It refuses to receive any messages at the appropriate time, if at all.
Also also, dream involving a HSM/Saved by the Bell x-over. But there was a young Keanu Reeves in leather as my love interest, so all is well. Oh and lying in bed with Screech?! Weird. and something to do with Lisa Simpson and metallurgy. This was the other night, which is why I can't remember much.
I need to go shopping this week. I'm running out of clothes. I can't find like 3 of my shirts, that I'm aware of at least.
Fuck it's hot. I need a fan. Though Keanu Reeves with a palm frond would do. Not that it would get much cooler, quite the opposite.
Sleep now. Mebbe.
P.S - You're home by yourself, doing whatever it is you do when you're home alone, and you hear something from the next room - What are your first thoughts? Robber? Something has fallen over because it was placed awkwardly? Window was left open and the wind is blowing doors shut? etc. But is anyone's first thought; 'OMFG! Cannibal?!'
I didn't think so. Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing ever.
Oh and one more thing, watched a show about an english boys' school in france (school was in france but the students were all english). One subject they taught was Gregorian chanting. Very useful. and another class was some stupid stick dancing class. oh and they had a class for killing rabbits. They kids were naming them only to cut their throats with an axe a minute later. The director person of the school was some middle aged celibacy nut who lived with his mother. He was fat with beady eyes and he had mad pan flute thingy skillz. I totally wanted to do him on their dining table while his mother repaired one of his shirts. He defended his unusual curricculum (sp?) by saying that it was so important that the boys experienced everyday realities. Cause I know I can't start my day without a thoroughly good chant. And if I don't get to slaughter a rabbit, then I fill unfulfilled. And life just isn't worth living if I can't wear tights and prance around, banging sticks with my fellow man. However, mobile phones and music of any genre were banned (cause the pope says the devil is in music or something), cause these things are NOT everyday things or anything. Oh and sex ed was EVIL. Cause no one has sex. Ever. The director dude said something crazy about hoping the boys manage the struggle against their urges for the rest of their lives. The school was run by preists. Irony much. And they had a resident monk from canadia who lived as a hermit in his parents shed. Threesome with him and the director guy plz. How fucking messed up are these kids going to be when they're older? Social outcasts much? They ate pigs ears. That's just weird. Even the French government were all 'you iz le fucked up!' According to the director dude, a 'good' teacher is someone with strong faith, presumably the crazy-catholc-zealot kind of faith. Not someone who had teachers training (as most of their teachers did not). A good student was someone who could say their prayer in english, french and latin. Anyone who couldn't was doomed to fail at life.
The moral of the story is: Everyone should get drunk, have sex with randoms and read ridiculous amounts of slash and other 'morally corrupt' things. Because that makes for a completely balanced person. Why be 'pure' when you can be normal an fit in with everyone else? Oh and religion will make you become a canadian monk who lives in his parents shed. END.
Almost 3 am. I think I'll shut up now.
apparently jesus is calling. softly and tenderly. ye who is weary come home. something about sinners... freaking hymns in ma brainz!!!