Dec 07, 2006 19:32
I got my internship at the MHC Art Museum! Yours truly will be setting up the Egyptian exhibition and cataloging ancient coins and the new acquisition of ancient glassware. Booyah.
On the list of things to do:
- Anthropology paper on MMORPG social analysis--------------------------- DONE
- Images of Augustus on Roman Coinage over time (i.e. Links to Augustus) ----- REVISION TO DO
- Read Uncle Tom's Cabin & Killer Angels---------------------------------- YEAH SPARKNOTES.COM
- Write my study sheet for American History
- Fill out form for internship transcript notation
Anyone think I can do it all today and not get distracted by WoW?
UPDATE: IES has asked me to continue my position as IES Ambassador for another 3 semesters because they're very pleased with my work so far. Maybe they'll even hire me for a paid job at some office in the future...
RE-UPDATE: I am now a "Super Ambassador" for IES. Rawr.