Stupid life is hitting me

Nov 16, 2006 04:10

Wow, I am really and truly sick. A nasty fever plagued me last night and this morning. Swallowing is painful. When I sneeze, I have to do all of it through my nose because my throat hurts too much. When I stand up, I get a splitting pain in my temples and lose all balance. My neck is sore and twisting my head is painful.

The good news is, I don't have a runny nose yet. And everyone knows just how much I hate a runny nose.

So I'm throwing in the towel and dropping comp sci. I decided this yesterday. Since I've stopped sitting in front of the computer programming, this huge load has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel so free. I'm actually looking forward to reading for my other classes and writing papers for them. On some level I am a bit disappointed that I had less than a month left to deal with that nonsense and that maybe I could stick with it a bit longer. But on the other hand, I'm an Ancient Studies major and Anthro minor, and I spend about an hour a week on my classes for those disciplines because comp sci is taking up so much time. The sucky part is having to take an extra class next semester, but I was doing that anyway... Now I'm forced to.

Ugh. Hard decision. But to get my mind off things a little bit, I've re-picked up the biography of Jimi Hendrix.

And I've begun doing research on my Everquest anthro paper :D
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