Break time from all what I've been doing, here's a meme you could read if you like, enjoy
If you’ve been tagged, you must write your answers in your own lj and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eight people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you
What is your room like?
dark & light blue painted walls, sky like ceiling [w/ rainbow ceiling fan], beige colored furniture and white bed with roses carved in the center of the headboard, oh and I have an amazing glitter lamp that makes it look as though I'm underwater if I turn off all the lights at night...other than that it looks like your typical college student's room =P
What's right beside you?
(sprawled out on my bed on my belly) my Pillow Pet PeeWee Panda Sho-chan, my cellphone, my memory foam pillow, and Hendrix boxers [relax kids they're my own boxer shorts that I like wearing around the house xD]
What was the last thing you ate?
somen noodles and nikujaga w/ rice [hoping it lasts me for a good amount of the day]
Ever had chicken pox?
when I was 8
Like picnics?
Who was/were the last person you dance with?
I think that was with my cousins or with my friends
Last made you smile?
reading this Arashi fan's blog where she thinks Ohno is already married with a kid *prays this is actually the case :D You go Ohno! <3*
You last yelled at...
Dad when called me again from the hallway [I'm in my room] to make sure I got everything he said before leaving for work
Today did you talk to someone you like?
cry1baby ,
faradakiut , and
megaffud7 [they shall be 3/8 people I will/have tagged for this meme]
Do you like your handwriting?
Are your toenails painted?
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
my younger guy cousin's bed! My God, someone has to be an idiot to say that mattress isn't incredibly soft [if they were to lay or sit on it]. Okay rather than just sleeping it in, I wanna steal it from him xD
What color shirt are you wearing right now?
it's a pink tank top [with lace around the chest area and lacy straps]
Are you a friendly person?
my friends tell me so
Do you have any pets?
not anymore :( I want one though [needs get one once I move out]
Do you sleep with the TV on?
nope, usually that's the Ipod stereo's job
What are you doing right now?
deciding when do I want to turn off my Itunes and start watching my videos, to look for the caps I wanna use for making .gifs, talking to Carla, getting peeved about the drama I started watching last night Forbidden Love [I like the show but I hate that I'm still on the 4th episode and the whole climax is getting around too quick when the drama is supposed to be 11 episodes long], and deciding if I want to eat again [my stomach is giving me problems again like I have a baby in me demanding me to eat alot]
Do you eat healthy?
Why yes I do, to the point where I'm like 90% vegetarian [been getting a lot of good benefits from it I must say]
If you're having a bad day, who would you most likely go to?
talk to Carla or hang out with my cousins or my close/best friends Vy or Courtney
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
from what most people in RL tell me, I'm the quiet innocent looking little Asian girl [my signature personality], but with my cousins and my friends that I feel comfortable opening up to, I can be very Ohno-like [usually the quiet one, but will do something/say something spontaneously entertaining every now and then]
Are you confident?
anything that isn't relating to true emotions at moment [I think lately I've started to act and look like a doll now too =P]
5 things I did 10 years ago:
1- moved into this county
2- became a middle school/high school braniac
3- kept the longest bff relationships I've ever had [other than my cousins]
4- decided to finally grow up when I was 17
5- mourned over a lot of deaths in the family
5 things I would do if I am a billionaire:
1. pay off all college payments my parents would ever need to do
2. get myself a condo in Hawaii [close to "Home" and Japan so I can visit those places with no trouble time-wise]
3. give money to my relatives back at "Home"
4. travel
5. Save enough money to never have to worry about for the next 10 years XD
5 of my bad habits:
1. somewhat of a perfectionist
2. hold grudges really well
3. being too quiet to the point where I don't tell people what I feel or think
4. I respond too much like a Filipino [if you try getting my attention, instead of saying "yes", I would merely grunt "unh", which dad marks how for a person of my age, it makes me sound disrespectful [[tries not to do that to dad a lot just the make him happy]]]
5. procrastinate
5 places I used live in:
1. Pasig/Quezon City/Manila, PI
2. Crame,PI
3. Zambales, PI
4. Centreville, VA
5. Manassas City, VA
What song are you currently addicted to?
Esperanza by Kana Nishono
What are you listening to right now?
Aitakute Aitakute - Kana Nishino [you know how I said I'm starting to become doll-like now? Yeah I'm nearly starting to do a cross between Kana and Fukada Kyoko]
What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve done today?
nothing so far, I was about to set up for my .gif making spree but then something crossed my mind, which led to me doing this meme [Carla knows the whole crazy story lol]
What is the one skill you wish you had?
be multilingual! My God my life would forever change if I were to do that
What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
fandom- Arashi
obsession/addiction- making .gifs xD
What’s your favorite song to dance to?
hmm anything that's danceable that is
What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Livejournal and damn don't I sound boring? xD Blame my dled videos and Photoshop for that
What was the last thing you bought?
groceries for all the dishes I want to make [including nikujaga to see why Sho's so obsessed about it--immediately see why after one bite xD]
Which fictional character do you think you’re most like?
Sumiyoshi Misuzu (from Tokujo Kabachi) and Go Mi Nyeo/Gemma (from You're Beautiful)
What website would you recommend to friends?
hmm it depends on what kind of people they are, most of them seem happy with Facebook though I somehow drew away from that site haha
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
Why yes I do. The imaginary baby in my tum-tum is wanting leftovers of the nikujaga and then ice cream
What is the best place you’ve ever been?
Hawaii and Vancouver! So diverse [but has tons of Asians]
What was the last meal you ate?
didn't we discuss this earlier?
Do you want to learn another language?
become more fluent in Tagalog [including the Illocano dialect, since that's what my mom's side speaks to each other], Japanese, Chinese, and Italian
Six things you can’t live without.
Seiki Sora [my laptop], Gan [my HD], my phone [has no name since I mostly hate it but just like that I can get in touch with my friends and it's my back up device to reading fics instantly], my glasses/contacts [I'm not as blind as my prescription says, but still if I want to read something far away, I need them goddammit! :)], food that I like, hmm air would be good
What are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
feed my imaginary fetus, finally work on my .gifs [esp. Aiba-chan's gif. gift [[hehe hehe]], and oh wait! I have to watch the latest episodes of Pretty Little Liars! I'm behind two episodes xD
Other people tagged
lovu_lovu_aiba ,
luvin_arashi ,
sakuraiba201 ,
carry18 ,