(no subject)

Aug 09, 2011 22:46

Summer classes are done!!!

*does Minnie x MatsuJun girly leap!*
[another GIF I created]
[I got some mad finger happy skills!]

And as you can tell from my visitor tracker and my journal/profile in general, I went ahead and spent most of my day giving my LJ a brand new makeover! ^-^  Now going for a serene and slightly feminine theme this time, with Ohno on my profile. Sadly I admit I did not make header picture myself, although I wish I had a professional camera and was really Photoshop savvy to create such an amazing picture, perhaps one day =P.

Oh special shoutout to the Aiba to my Sakuraiba buddy buddy duo faradakiut, who just had her 26th birthday a couple of days ago!!! May you always have a blessed life with family & others who care about you so deeply in their hearts. Please keep that upbeat aura that is always emitting from you for it is a precious gift you possess <3  You my friend shall receive a special .gif that I will make especially for you [still in working progress but I hope you enjoy it!]

Anyway now that I got most of the stuff I need to do marked off the list, it means I must make a new one/add more tasks!

AND readers, just because my LJ became purified by its looks, doesn't mean that there isn't the usual stuff that will be still lurking around, if you know what I mean!

update newlayout

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