What a disappointment...expected better

Jan 15, 2013 23:32

Archangel's Blade by Nalini Singh

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

The romance in this book was hard to believe. And based on the reviews, I feel like the majority of the readers are... not with me.

I don't understand how Honor can feel so closely-drawn to the vampire Dmitri, even after her 2-month worse-than-rape ordeal with vampires. Something missing? Being too hot for words is not an excuse.

Also, I don't understand how Dmitri can feel the same way about Honor. How can he think that she's the one when all he did in the past to women were bed them and throw them away? Suddenly out of the blue, BAM! Don't leave me, darling, love you forever. (Not quoted from the book, but somewhat along the lines)

Uhhh... OK.

In addition to this, there were so many italics in this book. I'm not a fan of italics, unless it's used to stress a word, but when it's used in a flashback that spans pages and pages just... count me out from giving this book a good rating.

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The best part, the flashbacks were about an undying (very realistic, indeed) love Dmitri has for his dead-wife from a 1000 years ago. Strange, yknow? Vampires after turning should be forgetting their human life, and 1000 years should strengthen that notion that even if Dmitri loved his wife so much the most he can remember of her should be the feelings he had of her, NOT crazy lengthy flashbacks that bore the heck out of me! I guess the author is trying to tell us that Dmitri is a vampire with a past but who isn't?? We get it that Dmitri loved his wife very very much, but enough with the flashbacks! Too much!

The romance between Honor and Dmitri is too exaggerated. The part when he knelt in forgiveness to her was unbelievable. Really? The oh-so-mighty and haughty Dmitri does that? And he did it so unconvincingly if I were Honor I would tell him to FFS get outta my sight right NOW. No guy should be forgiven for exerting physical violence to a woman.
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I did not like this book at all. Even Dmitri avenging Honor after 1 or 2 times of meeting her is kind of stupid. He has his hands full as Raphael's second, I don't believe that he can just simply waste his resources so that they can hunt down her torturers. Even if Honor's his HEA (but then, they just met, how would he know? OH no wait, the author knows, we know, and that's enough, right?).

Some parts of this book were such a bore I was tapping away on my Kindle skim-reading it. Not a book you should waste your time on. Sorry.

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