Sep 09, 2009 06:35
I'm seriously to the point where I hate my job. I'm not really sure why though. I think it's the part where my right knee is totally messed up from arthritis plus years of running on a concrete floor.
It doesn't matter how hard you work there, they don't recognize you for it. Everyone gets the same piddly raise every year. Except now, things have changed. The owner's oldest daughter has taken over the business, so things have gotten more beurocratic. You get written up for just about anything. More people have gotten fired in the past year since she took over than in the whole 15 years I've been there.
Bonuses at Christmas are a joke. You're lucky if you get $100.00. Last year they messed up and we all got around a grand, but they turned around and took it away from us. I've had to change my hours due to Elizabeth starting school, and I catch crap for it because I don't have a sitter for when she's sick and whatnot. I'm trying to save money not paying for daycare, but get told "we've all had to do it". Yet I know one person who can come in when she feels like it and doesn't get anything said to her.
I'm 28 years old, but because I've been there since I was a teenager, a lot of people still treat me like a kid and I have absolutely no respect. If I take some initiative and try to do something on my own, or offer up an opinion, I get shot down or yelled at. My supervisor has this knack for making me feel about 1 inch tall whenever I make a mistake because she screams at me in front of everyone.
So, I've made a decision. I'm going to be posting an ad up on Craigslist and in the local paper. If I can get enough kids, I'm going to quit my job and babysit full time. I'm getting CPR certified, calling the IRS to see what I have to do tax-wise and calling Job and Family Services to see what I need to do to be able to work with people who use Title 20. That way my little one has someone to play with on a regular basis, I'm here for her in the summer and I'm my own boss. I've been feeling the pull in this direction for quite some time now.
On another, totally unrelated note: I really do hate it when people stop talking to me for no reason. It's rather impolite and hurtful to not respond to texts, emails and other forms of communication. If someone is going to stop talking to me, I feel that I am at least owed an explanation as to why this is happening. As far as I know, I've done nothing to this person to warrent this type of treatment.