Oct 19, 2010 23:01
I just feel like saying something from the bottom of my heart, hopefully you people/readers out there can take a few mins out to read it out. I will appreciate it.
I just wanna say... its kinda disappointing and frustrating to know that there are some readers out there requesting for links to my fics in the fanfic comms and they were also given the links YET I received zero comments from then till now.
And let me tell you, it's very disturbing.
Plus, the more I looked at the stats in this LJ under the guests, I got even more upset. I'm not sure if people are just coming in for fun or to really read the fics or whatsoever, but ever since my last post in here, I've noticed that there are people still coming into cherish_kizuna, well, I must say "thank you" to these people, its a good thing I guessed. At least there are still some readers or people out there who remembers me.
But something just puzzled me. If they were to come in to read the fics (as in newcomers), how could there be NO COMMENTS at all? Its like, hello, ZERO!? Gosh.
I was actually preparing a couple of fics to make a 'comeback' from my 'hiatus'. But all these shitty things that have happened, have totally broke my feeling, my passion to continue writing. *sigh*
I'm sorry if I sounded almighty to you people in here, but I'm certainly not. I'm just upset and feel that I have the right to have a say in this. All authors out there, are ought to know how it actually feels for me now. It's hurtful and frustrating to know that there are certainly people coming into your LJ and read your fics YET no one leave a comment or anything, ANY THING. They left nothing!
Now, isnt it a basic courtesy to at least say something to the person who has worked hard for their fics, fan-art or whatsoever? It's their precious work. And you're the one deciding to step into this LJ so at least be RESPECTFUL to the user! *sigh; shakes head*
Well, actually I think whatever I have mentioned here is of any help since I believe many will come and go silently AGAIN, EVERYTIME. But I just need to vent it out.
I'm so god-damn freaking upset now.
Maybe I really need to do something to it. I know by locking up these fics wouldnt help since people will just ask me to friend them and when they are allowed access, they wont show any appreciativeness at all. And yes, lately, there are a few of them who did just this act. Stupid shit.
So maybe the best solution is to erase and remove everything in here.