(101) #libya

Feb 22, 2011 18:56

what's happening in libya explained

I'll be the first to admit that I don't follow the news regularly. My dad listens/reads/watches the news all the time, but sadly I don't have that kind of motivation.

The situation in Libya has been all over the place though, so I already knew bits and pieces of what was going on. Megan tweeted this link yesterday and I read through the whole thing. I know I haven't been posting much, but I did just want to write a bit about Libya.

But really, I just have no words. This government is killing its own citizens. Qaddafi is promising, promising to slaughter the protesters. It's like Tiannemen Square all over again. There are no words that can express my disgust for this government.

But something more: why hasn't anything been done yet? Yes, there are peace talks, etcetc. Yes, it's difficult to have something organized especially in such a delicate situation, but at the same time these are people's lives we're talking about. I'm no expert, but shouldn't more forceful measures be taken? Clearly, talking is not working, and I think far too much violence has already taken place for talking to work any time soon. It really upsets me that the countries of the ~west~ aren't exactly being as proactive as I'd wish they would be in trying to help the situation.

I don't really know where this post is going (and I also find it a bit hypocritical of myself that I'm not doing much, even in terms of raising awareness, even though I just complained about not enough action being taken), but I am keeping Libya in my thoughts, and I really hope they can achieve the freedom that they're fighting for.

Sigh, just my two cents.
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