bootiful morning!

May 27, 2009 08:50

This morning, I found out BSB's age: He's 19! (Or rather same age as me.)

Evidence? He was reading a TIME Magazine, wrapped like the ones we subscribe to.

LOL. This is such a preliminary conclusion! Not as if 30 yo people who subscribe to TIME will have their mags wrapped in colourful wrappers right. Okay lame, this is your Just For Laughs for this morning :)

Absolutely HATE it when people can't get my name, like is your tongue twisted into a plait? And then I'm too nice to correct them on the spot, cos it's like the SECOND time I'm doing so. Like, %e$%@$#!

  I totally forgot you existed. Until I saw you online.

"The only people you need in life are the ones that need you in theirs."  (:


BTT later in the afternoon. Seriously ah, if I fail (again), WTF just kill me already. NEED TO PASS! Okay I better go mug. Failing BTT is just friggin' embarrassing although I don't even want to drive.

Okay err no wait. Lesson time first. North Korea needs to stop firing their bloody missiles.
And I am seriously missing this place already. ):

quotes, randoms, starry-eyed

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