(no subject)

Apr 23, 2007 09:16

The weekend actually went well for me. So happy because i was really worried.

Friday i stayed in rather than go to the pub for vodkas. First i walked home from work (3miles), then i had a small meal. Then i went over the resevoiur for a walk which took 1 & a half hours.

Spent Saturday with my brother. Got my nails done, went shopping, cleaned my rabbit and guinea pig out, searched every shop for sand (found it in B&Q). Basically didn't stop until about 7pm. Walked everywhere so my feet were killing me by the evening. 
Didn't eat anything all day, then i had a sandwich at about 8pm.

Sunday i used my exercise bike for 1 hour. Had to eat a chicken roast dinner which my mum made. Also had a ham roll. 
Did weights for 15 minutes.

Weighed myself this morning and i didn't gain over the weekend! Whoo! I didn't lose either, i'm the same as i was on Friday morning, which is a bugger. Still i've lost 6lbs since last Monday. Hopefully i can do the same this week.

Feeling so ready and so motivated. I AM going to lose 6lbs again this week.

Watched a thing about size 0 on channel 4 lastnight. It was okay. I found it abit annoying though. It was as if one of the women was welcoming an eating disorder. Strange.

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