I want

Jan 05, 2009 23:13

I want:

To move to North Carolina
To have 4 or 5 children
    preferably one set of twins
To be happy in my job
    but mostly I'd love to be a stay at home mom
To take a train to a random city in NC and just walk around for a day.
To have someone throw pebbles at my window
To stay in bed all day doing nothing
    preferably with someone
To dance for hours straight
To participate in a marathon
    or a triatholon
To scream at someone when they make me mad
To host a murder mystery party
To be a part of a book club
    actually I'd love my career to be a book reviewer, or a food taster
To learn how to cook
To have a scavanger hunt that takes me around the US
    or at least GR
To get an A in Organic
To stay up all night having a great talk
    so good that you don't even realize that its morning

There is probably more, but for now, this is my list.
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