That was a nice day

Feb 19, 2013 09:15

I may have a different definition of a nice day than other people, but there were a lot of universally awesome bits, too.

Smiles was happily playing and I got a long video chat with housemate A and her sister (who were holding the new baby, woot!) Smiles joined in at the end of the chat.

Then I got to finish a book. In peace.

Then the really fun part - TAXES! We crammed 2-4 extroverts in the hottest room of our house, often with the door closed, to work on our taxes simultaneously. I went from having done very little prep, to having complete drafts of federal and state! Woot! Usually I expect that to take a couple of sittings, but I was in the groove.

While I was grooving, Smiles and R made me surprise cookies.

More people came over for pizza and games, and then we were off to see a movie that other people thought was terrible and that I loved almost from beginning to end.

Sadly Smiles was not as much of a fan of being babysat as we were of going out, and she melted down impressively. eowyns basically walked us out of the house during one meltdown, and said later "I do forget sometimes that you guys ARE first time parents" :) Apparently she was pretty good for danamae after we left, though.
I also had to deal with [ellided] several times yesterday, but ringrose was awesome at helping me despite [ellided].

So yeah, that was a very nice day off.
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