Feb 11, 2013 08:16
Mostly I dealt with things as they happened (snow, broken car windshield, having a cold), and fed lots of people.
It was not satisfying, but then I relaxed most of the day yesterday (and did satisfying snowing shoveling), so that was all good. Also I read a book. (Have I mentioned how much I am loving Okorafor? Everyone who likes YA fantasy should read Akata Witch, and then people should have awesome discussions on the line between derivative of (Harry Potter) vs. drawing attention to stuff by being somewhat parallel to it. (and having some things that are very similar, like the Funky bus.) In fact, I think Akata Witch is compatible with the Harry Potter universe, given her claim that people do things differently in Europe/the US. I think I'm going to need to start buying her books.)
Well, blizzard socialization was awesome. V came over for a playdate and Smiles was completely engaged, so I ended up with a surprise 2 hours of (effectively) child free time and I tooled like the wind. Also we had a crepe brunch, because our housemates are awesome.
Today perhaps I will make a priority list for the next few weeks. Since I have done all the urgent and important things I'm sort of floating around. Not that I don't have things to do, it's just nice to have a sense that I'm doing the things that are most important to me.
(Edited to correct snowing into shoveling, but that was funny, so I left it there for y'all to see)