Jul 10, 2007 14:47
I guess this isn't that bad a day. I finally got some feedback on the damned VE report that I finished and passed on weeks and weeks ago, and it's not bad. I was flying blind anyway, and I've already fixed everything except for a page solely devoted to definitions of "hard cost" and "soft cost." Bill will definitely change whatever I put, so I suppose it doesn't much matter. The important part is, I corrected my math (I hope I found it all) and switched bars around on the graphs, etc., which was the time-consuming and nit-picky part anyway. Very time-consuming. Plus, I fixed part of the discrepancy database that I'm supposed to be running as soon as PR finishes adding things and moving things and giving it a "facelift." I don't anticipate this happening anytime soon, because she's said it'll be finished 'this week for sure' for about two months now. Oh well. No rush.
I need to get more sparkling water. Needs mah bubbles.
Now, the rest of my to-do list is sadly neglected, and it's already 3. Who knows how long most of these things will actually take; they keep being pre-empted by things people slap onto my desk that must be done RIGHTNOWOMGEMERGENCY. Blargh. It would be nice to have time to catch up my financial state in my dayplanner, but methinks that isn't happening today. I'm nearly out of shampoo, I've been out of conditioner for two days, and I keep meaning to hit Meijer on the way home, but....well, I'm just so tired.
Last night I naturally did not manage to get to bed at a reasonable time. However, I did manage to finish the back of the OSSP(2), and tonight I'll do some more laundry, actually put it away (provided it's not 85 degrees upstairs again), tidy up the living room and still have enough time to finish the front of ye olde OSSP (2) and join the straps. Might even have time to do the attached i-cord around the neck and armholes. That'll give me tomorrow to weave in all the ends and sew on the buttons, and figure out whether or not I have the energy to go to Jo-Ann's and pick up a zipper for the bottom to sew on after it's been washed and blocked. I'll need to do some duplicate stitching too, which will be a pain in the butt, but probably less so than inventing an intarsia motif and trying to knit it at Origins. It's cutting it a bit close, but I figure if I finish up the duplicate stitching and do the washing and blocking Thursday, then by Saturday morning I can whip that zipper into there and haul off to the party that afternoon. And then, of course, start in on the SSP that I've been meaning to work on since....um...April? May? Something. A bunch of 10x10 squares; doesn't seem like it should be that big a deal, does it? And yet, I haven't even taken the yarn out of my car.
Did I mention I got some more sock yarn? Heheh. Um. Whoops. I'm very bad at this whole "budget" thing. But only a little, just four skeins of Lorna's Laces in Layette (cream/yellow/lavender) and something in stormy colors, but with a bright splash of red. Lorna's laces is handpainted, and in this case is superwash merino/nylon, I believe, 75%/25% respectively. It's quite soft, but the nylon will keep it going longer than just the wool, especially in the heel and toe areas. I want to knit them, but there ARE a few things I ought to finish first....like some baby things, and the SSP, and Nyte's gray socks which I still haven't turned the heels on. Maybe after a few squares of SSP I'll have him try them on and see how far I have to go on the socks. Maybe I should take some freaking pictures, too.
As exhausting as last week was, I loved it. Mostly I loved not going to work, or even thinking about work, but still having plenty to do and lots to see and people to hang out with. Sure, it would have been nice to get the house clean and knit like a fiend, read a book and watch a disgusting amount of tv, but I can do that anytime if I want to. The con is fun once a year, but I'm kind of glad it won't swing around for another year. Gen-con is in August I think, but I'm not going to that unless I get a motorized chair to whip around the mall and convention center. VROOOM! (Not that we could afford the badges, gas, hotels, food, and more frivolous purchases. I'm just saying, if we could, I'd want a scooter...)
The wedding shawl isn't going to happen, especially if I'm helping make my dress (I can barely sew a straight line; Maggie will be doing the lion's share, I'll just be helping where I can), and most especially if it's going to be in September. Not to mention after/while planning all that, I have to find a place for a reception and figure out what'll go on there, and when, etc. It's really not nearly as much work as a traditional wedding, so I'll try not to complain too much, but it's not as if I'm on top of my game at the moment. Heck, I can't even decide where to register or what to register for. That should be easy, right? Trouble is, we don't have room for anything else in the house, so asking for more stuff just seems....well, silly. Perhaps I'm being too sensitive or easily overwhelmed by the small things. I'm trying to keep in mind that most of these details are not as big a deal as I seem to think they are, and if people don't want to buy us something from Target or Macy's or whatever, they won't, and I won't be upset in the end.
Maybe what I should focus on instead is that so far, I'm healthy, and Nyte is healthy, and I have a steady job, and Nyte will soon find a job, and we have people supporting us. Whether or not I can make the whole affair as perfect as I want it to be should be secondary to getting it done and enjoying the ride. And getting lots of sleep. While I can.
yarn whinging,
origins 2007,