So you may be thinking "Tarina, didn't you already post this chapter?" and you would be correct BUT after switching back to commentary style i rediscovered a few drama style chapters i'd already written and I want to use them so we are going back to drama style for a few more chapter. Please forgive this confusion! The commentary version of this chapter will stay up though.
The first days after Boe and Martie came home were a bit of an adjustment for everyone. Bennie didn't recognize Boe, even though they'd seen each other via Skype and photos, so he cried whenever Boe entered a room. After a few days of this Boe just shut himself off in his bedroom and lab, reading or talking on the phone. He came down for meals but really threw himself into his studies.
Martie and Bennie both had to adjust to seeing one another everyday. Bennie had been raised up until now with the idea that Mommy only stayed for a short time and then left for long periods. Because of this he always clung to her, not wanting her to go and cried when he saw her suitcase, but this time she didn't leave. It still took a week or so for him to understand she was here to stay.
Martie was thrilled to be with her son again, her world felt complete when he smiled at her and her heart felt like it would burst with happiness every time he called for 'Mama'. The hours that had once been filled with exercise and snowboarding were now completely consumed by her baby boy. Each morning she woke him up and combed out his beautiful black hair, and he would look up at her with clear blue eyes and Martie knew, each and every day, that she had never loved anyone the way she loved Bennie. The two became inseparable.
For their part Landen and Colin were just happy to have their family together and were hoping for more grandchildren in the near future. Rose had selflessly agreed to raise little Jack and had put off having children of her own and the new grandfathers were starting to wonder if they'd get to enjoy their future grandchildren.
“It's nice to see you Martie.” Dr. Bower smiled as he entered the exam room, picking up the medical chart on the counter. He had been Marties doctor since she became pregnant with Bennie. “How's the family? Little Bennie doing okay?” He added flipping through the pages. Martie nodded but she wasn't smiling.
“Dr. Bower I'm pregnant.”
“Congratulations Martie! I know you had planned on having a second child after graduation. Now I think we'll have you take a second test, ours are much more accurate and then we'll look to see how far along you are.”
“I don't need to. Dr. I'm already 7 months along and I'm not showing at all. I went to the clinic at school and they confirmed that I am pregnant and how far along I was but I haven't gotten any bigger. I'm really concerned.” Marties eyes were full of fear.
With that the Doctors face fell, he seemed to be pondering the possibilities. “When did you find out you were pregnant?”
“Not until I was 5 months along. I was so busy with school I guess I just didn't notice.”
“Okay, now can you feel the baby move? Does it kick?”
“Yes and no. Sometimes I think I feel her, moving but it's just a faint feeling. I don't feel sick, I haven't been bleeding. Nothing. If I had miscarried there would be blood wouldn't there?”
The doctor nodded “We're going to do an ultrasound to see what's going on, best case scenario is she's just small, that combined with your athletic build can account for you not showing.”
Dr. Bower had Martie lay back on the exam table while he attached the heart beat monitor, Martie fought back tears as a tiny heart beat appeared on the screen, all these months she wasn't even sure if her baby was alive; now she knew. The doctor then squeezed the cold blue gel onto Marties belly and pressed down with the transducer and search around until at last the image of a fetus appeared on the screen. Both Martie and the Doctor smiled wide at the sight of the babies tiny feet and hands. Even though she was sure it was a little girl Martie asked the doctor not to tell, she still wanted the surprise. Once the images were printed for Martie to keep and the blue gel was cleaned off the Doctor's face got serious again.
“Okay Martie from what I can see your baby is healthy just small, this is probably from a combination of the stress at school, the lack of a proper diet when you were at school, and just how much you exercise. You've got so little body fat and a developing fetus needs that. What I suggest is you relax, take nice long bathes everyday, read with your son, anything to calm your nerves. And change your diet; I'd say eat a good 5 meals a day. I know it sounds counter to what a doctor should recommend but you need to gain weight, and fat.”
Martie left her appointment with a smile. Her baby was alive and healthy. She was finally excited about this pregnancy and now she could tell her family they were expecting another little one. She'd put it off one so she could finish school without her guys worrying too much, and two because she didn't want to get everyone's hopes up too much. Now she was relieved that with Christmas in only two weeks her family could have a wonderful Christmas surprise.
“I can't have you coming between me and my family.” Fury's voice sounded strained, hushed. He was trying not to wake Martie up but she had heard his phone ring. She didn't move, wondering who could be calling her husband at such a late hour. “I know, but she was gone. She's back and I'm not sneaking around anymore...I know. I know. I love you too but I left that life behind once and I'm leaving it again...Bye.”
Martie kept her eyes closed but it was hard to stay laying there. She wanted to jump up and demand to know who the fuck had the nerve to mess with her husband, and then send him off packing to his whore. But then she placed a hand on her still flat belly and didn't move.
'There has to be some explanation. Fury would cheat. Not MY Fury. ' She thought, keeping her eyes closed. 'But then again what all do I really know about Fury?'
He had no parents, no family at all when they met. He was just a 16 year old boy living alone in a house. H never talked about his childhood, in fact he never talked about anything from before the day they met. She'd never questioned it. She assumed he lost his family and didn't want to talk about it and by the time he moved in she loved and trusted him so much she never thought to question his past. But he said he'd left that life behind. What life? Maybe he had another family somewhere? What if he had children somewhere? Another wife? A husband? No, not Fury...but then again she couldn't be sure.
The questions plagued her all night, long after he'd crawled back in bed and began to snore she stayed awake wondering who she'd married. Who her childs father really was.
'Dad never did like him...said he reeked of lies. I should have listened.' Her mind was racing but after what seemed like days the Sun peeked up over the ocean and lit her room with cool pink and orange colors. It was time to wake Bennie up and get him fed and washed so he'd be down for his nap by lunchtime.
Like always her son warmed her heart.
“Who needs him, right Bennie? I'll always have you.”
“What did you do?” Landen asked with a hint of a smirk on his face.
“Now that's not fair!” Martie protested
“You only call me 'Daddy' when you fuck up; just tell me how much it's gonna cost me.”
“Dad I'm being serious here!”
All at once Landens demeanor changed. He may joke but he was fiercely protective over his family. Seeing the concern in her fathers eyes Martie let it all spill out; her fears about being a mother, the new baby, the late night phone call. Everything. The whole time Landen just nodded, listening to every single word his daughter said. When she was finished he sighed.
“You've got a lot on your plate Martie-girl. I think the first thing you need to do is make sure you and my grand babies are happy and healthy. You're a great mother, there is no doubt about it, but you can't let your marital worries impact your children. Especially this new baby.”
Martie nodded but she wasn't sure how she could stay stress free when she was sure her husband was running around on her. If she confronted him and he was then she'd have the stress of a break up at Christmas while pregnant. Sure her guys would help her out but it's still stressful being a single mom.
“Now as for Fury.” Landen continued “Your father never liked him...he wasn't happy with you two getting married. I know he said he was but he just doesn't like the guy. That's why he's been so distant. But Fury hasn't proven himself to either of us. Staying late at work most nights, leaving on his days off. Sometimes going away for days at a time.”
Martie was starting to get the picture, there was no doubt anymore. Fury was a cheater.
“What do I do?”
“Confront him. Or your father will."
With that Landen hugged his daughter and left her with her thoughts. She decided she had to confront her husband. And sooner rather than later; she'd rather be heartbroken than lost.
But when it came down to it she just couldn't do it, maybe she hadn't accepted that she could love a man who could hurt her? Or maybe it was because there were no more late night phone calls. No more business meetings, no more 'Stuck in traffic', no more anything but the perfect husband and father.
Why ask questions when you know the answer? And especially when you know the answer would hurt? On top of that Christmas was right around the corner.
So life fell into a sort of happy routine, any outsider would have thought this the perfect family; mom and dad busy with their first child, loving grandparents there for support and that weird uncle that keeps to himself and makes long distance phone calls all night. But a closer look would show every sideways glance and every strained 'I love you'. Landen and Colin, suspicious of Fury from the start watched him extra close now that Martie was suspicious. They didn't want their child hurt. Martie, for her part, tried to pretend things were back to normal. She began to gain weight faster than she thought possible and the feeling of her baby inside of her made her think it was almost worth staying with Fury.
“I can do this.” She told her reflection one morning “I can be the happy wife and mother. I have my career. I have my son and the new baby. Why tear apart our family for this?” She leaned her head against the cool glass. This wasn't the person she wanted to be, the woman whose smile was fake and whose husband loved another woman. She told herself, over and over again every day of every week since the phone-call that she was stronger than this.
“Aunt 'Lissa turned her husband out for cheating. And she is a better woman for it.” It had become her mantra, she tried to remind herself every day that she comes from a family of strong women. But then again, she remembered her grandmother and the dead look in her eyes. She remembered how she seemed almost relieved when she knew she was dying. Faith had hated her life, she had sacrificed happiness for her family but that was strength too. Wasn't it? There was a small pride in faking a smile to keep Bennies father around. Wasn't there?
She let out a sigh. Was love really turning her into this person? Hadn't she once been Martie, the boy-girl who took nothing from anyone? The kid who spent hours on a snowboard and once tried to 'skate-off' a broken ankle? She ran the cold water to splash her face. This is what that child had been reduced to. A broken women whose husband ran around on her.
The door bell rang, making Martie pause her self-loathing. If only briefly.
'We need a butler.' she thought “I'M COMING!”
She didn't recognize the woman at the door but she knew who she was immediately. It was her.
“Hi. Is Fury home?”
“You know you're about to get your ass beat, right?”
Man, i wrote this so long ago it's ridiculous. Before Christmas for sure and it's EASTER. Happy Easter by the way.
So I hope you all liked it, there is one more like this and I just might keep it up on some level. I'm so indecisive!
FUN FACT! The Martie in the last two pictures is not only not Martie but she's not even pregnant. I have a copy save that I take all my posed photos in and that Martie went into labor just as i was about to take these photos. She had a girl whom i named Ruining Shit Dean and then promptly deleted. I was going to name her Ruining all my Pics and Shit Dean but the game said it was too long :P
Mystery Lady at the Door belongs to
tyrish. I'm sure most of you recognize her :P