vacuum woes

Dec 29, 2009 10:32

My vacuum broke - but I don't want to buy a new one quite yet since we may be going on strike Jan 6... I'm trying to minimize major expenditures! But of course, just before I am finished using it, it starts to make a nasty noise. Ugh! I took it in to the repair shop first thing this morning, hoping to quickly get it fixed before my neighbor found out - I got the feeling that she didn't really want to loan it to me in the first place. (Another teacher, but she is opposed to the strike and I am really active w/ the union) So I walked in the door and w/ in 15 minutes she called asking for it back. Double Ugh! I confessed and told her that I brought it in to the shop... he reaction makes me wonder if she had had troubles with it and is now getting it fixed for free.  

neighbors, vacuum

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