The Way Brothers at Comic-Con 2009

Aug 01, 2009 00:34

While we’re all waiting for updates from the show at the Roxy tonight I thought I’d start typing up my report from Comic-Con 2009. I know we decided to stop posting information about Gerard and his comics on this community but hear me out. I got to meet Mikey again and we talked music and some of Gerard’s panel was spent talking about the band too. Here’s the short version of everything. I hope you enjoy. =)

I’m going to apologize now for any errors and mistakes. I’ve caught a flu bug and the cold medicine is getting to me, lol. I’m also going to apologize for how crappy I look in the pictures. Comic-Con takes a toll on you. :P

If you would like to read my other reports, please refer to these links:

Comic-Con 2007/Projekt Revolution [San Diego]: here
The Black Parade Tour [San Diego]/Christmas/Halloween shows: here
SCREAM Awards/Myspace 'The List' Show :
UCSD Sungod Festival [May 12, 2006] : here
Headlining Tour [September 28, 29, and 30, 2005] : here
Warped Tour 2005 [San Diego, Long Beach, Ventura, Pomona] : here
Warped Tour 2004 [San Diego] :

If I had any doubts about how nerdy I am last week pretty much crushed all of that, lol.

Comic-Con 2009
San Diego Convention Center
July 23-26

Thursday was a ridiculous hassle because of all of the Twihards descending on the convention center. I didn’t get into the Twilight panel and decided to go see Andy Samberg at the panel for Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs instead. It was so much fun!

Friday started and I didn’t get to the convention center until a little after noon. I met up with my friends Imelda for_melda_hyde and Beccy raucousbeccy and we decided to go directly to the Dark Horse booth. We’d spent the better part of Thursday gathering up tickets for Gerard’s signing with Gabriel Ba on Friday evening.

We get to the booth and who do we find but Mikey Way at the Dark Horse booth! He’s standing there in sunglasses -indoors mind you, lol- and his big brother is nowhere to be found. It took us a while to try and work up the courage to talk to him and he looked amused. We even took so long that the DH staff finally brought out a board of the raffle numbers for Gerard’s signing. We were the first few people to check and even though we had about ten tickets between the three of us it was no help. None of our tickets were winning numbers.

At some point we turned around and Frances Bean Cobain had joined Mikey. They were in a small group of friends and so we didn’t want to bother him. It wasn’t until a few the people cleared out and their conversations died down that I decided we should make our move. I let the way to Mikey and politely called his name.

He turned and his face lit up and he said, “HEY GUYS!” His voice was full of enthusiasm and it felt really nice to be acknowledged like you were an old friend or something. :’)

I asked him if he wouldn’t mind taking pictures with us and he immediately said yes and stepped away from the table he’d been standing next to and got closer to us. He took one look at Beccy and said “I remember you! The hat girl right?“ [Beccy later told me that she’d given Mikey an H&M hat a while back when he’d complimented it at a show.]

Beccy: “Yeah! That was like three years ago, Mikey.“
Mikey: “I have good memory.“ =)

Beccy is from England and so she decided to jokingly grill Mikey about how he’d made the entire fandom implode on itself when he’d twittered about Reading and Leeds a couple weeks ago. He laughed and said, “Oh man, I know. So many people got so fucking mad at me for that!”

We each took pictures and only one other guy asked to take a picture with him. It was refreshing to see Mikey so relaxed and upbeat. We later agreed that he’s got his own version of a model face as he was joking and so talkative right before each picture was taken. He pulls a model face for the cameras and that's why he looks so serious in the pictures. :P

I asked him if he was having a fun time and he said yes and he told me that they’d be in San Diego for the entire weekend. Beccy asked if we would be seeing them [the band] soon and he said, “Oh yeah, for sure. You’ll see us soon.” And then he caught himself and said, “Wait, should I have said that?” Lol, if only he’d given us some clues about the shows this weekend!

We said goodbye after we took pictures seeing as we didn’t want to bother him or take up too much of his time. At this point Gerard had made it to the other side of the booth and was talking to other DH staff. Some people were stopping to talk to him. One girl brought him a pair of shoes on which she had painstakingly drawn and decorated with members of the Umbrella Academy. Gerard turned to Scott Allie [the editor at DH] and said “These are the ones I was telling you about!” He then handed them over and asked Scott to put them in the display box next to the TUA action figures and merchandise that were on sale. They all laughed and joked that now someone would try to buy them off.

One older woman, I think it was the girl’s mom, began to ask Gerard about being a new dad. It was really adorable! She asked him if he was great at changing diapers now and he sort of scoffed and said, “Oh yeah!” and did this quick scrambling motion with his arms like he was miming throwing a diaper over his shoulder, lol. She asked him if he was getting any sleep and I think he said no, to which she replied “It’s okay, right? You wouldn’t be sleeping anyways.”

The signing didn’t start for another few hours and when we came back to the booth we found that there were so many numbers that hadn’t been claimed. As it got closer to starting the DH staff just began to start crossing numbers out and decided to start handing out the wristbands. Imelda, Beccy, and I were all close enough and one of the guys remembered us. He handed all of us some wristbands and we got in line for the signing.

Waiting in line. =)

The exhibit hall closes at 7 pm and the signing began at 6. The line was spiraling at this time and we were growing more anxious. The staff reassured us that everyone would get through even though a few adjustments had to be made. At first you were allowed two items to be signed and then it was cut down to one and we were being rushed.

We finally made it! Gabriel Ba was as sweet as ever. He signed Imelda’s comic “To Imelda with an ‘I,’” lol and I have to say I think he’s adjusted and gotten much better with the conventions. When I first met him two years ago he was very quiet and shied away from compliments and so it was great to see him adjust. He was smiling a lot and taking photos, even complimenting people and making conversation.

Gerard turned around while Gabriel was still signing and looked at me. He said “Hiii!” with the same kind of enthusiasm that Mikey had had in his voice and immediately offered me his hand to shake. It was rushed but he still managed to be as polite and as nice as ever. Scott Allie came to talk to him while he was signing my book but even with the distraction he pulled from the conversation long enough to say goodbye to me as I turned to walk away. =)

Saturday was the most hectic day of all. I’d signed up for volunteering for the convention back in February as a back-up plan in case I didn’t get tickets. Gerard’s panel was on Saturday afternoon at 2:15 pm. I got to the convention at noon and checked into volunteering only to find that there were no more shifts available for the day. I was told to line up with the other volunteers who were scheduling their hours for Sunday and told that if I volunteered the next day I’d get a pass for both Saturday and Sunday. Basically a two for one. Score!

I rushed upstairs only to find the line for Gerard’s panel was spiraling through so many hallways. When I finally got in line they cut it two people in front of me and said no other people would be allowed in@ I was surrounded by a lot of Boondock Saint fans who had wanted to sit through Gerard’s panel to get into the one after it early.

They started letting people into the room and packing them in tight. Beccy and Imelda were inside already and the line was once again cut just a few people short of the entrance to the room. The panel began and I could hear people begin to cheer and clap.

I was only able to stay disappointed for a moment until an old staff member came out asking if anyone was specifically in line for Gerard’s panel. I immediately raised my hand and she asked me to follow her in. She informed that it was standing room only now and I would have to hold all of my bags and join a group of other people who were standing against the back wall of the room. I assured her that it was okay. I was just so grateful to have made it in.

Here are some photos Imelda took during the panel. I won’t got into detail much because I know you can find videos of it online. I took some video myself but the quality isn’t as good and my hands are shaky. =P

Some highlights:

Mikey being up on the panel for no reason at all, lol. Imelda said he was being swarmed by people when he sat down with his wife and Frances Bean in the front row so they just asked him if he wanted to sit next to Gerard. He said yes and they made him a nameplate on the spot complete with an exclamation point.

Gerard’s Gary Oldman story. Someone asked him if he had anyone in mind for the casting of the Umbrella Academy movie and he said he’d love to see Gary in the roll of Hargreeves. Everyone started to clap and then Gerard said “Wait! Wait! I have an awesome Gary Oldman story.” He talked about being in line behind Gary at the Scream Awards and wanting to say something like “You’re amazing. I’ve loved everything you’ve done. I’m such a big fan…but it’s kinda weird because you’re both in line waiting to take a piss. Or…I hope he was in line to take a piss because that would’ve made things even weirder.” Gary Oldman finishes and steps out, turns to Gerard and kind of waves and bows and says, “After yooou.”

The entire room started to laugh and Gerard just said, “Gary Oldman, man. He’s so fucking charming!”

Gerard on Levar Burton: They were talking about how it’s so weird to be friends with so many of the people they’ve grown to admire. Mikey talked about how he’d met Stan Lee at the Eisner Awards and then Gerard says, “Levar Burton, man. We kind of bonded over a plane ride and became friends. And it was so weird because suddenly I’m in the hospital and my daughter is about to be born and their showing Reading Rainbow. It’s like Levar Burton and then my daughter is born! So then I decided to text him and then he tweeted about it.”

Hearing Gerard say “my daughter.” Wow. It’s really going to take some getting used to, isn’t it?

One person was dressed as Roarshack from Watchmen and went up to the mic and asked Gerard a question in character, lol. It was amazing. Gerard responded by saying “Oh man, are you going to punish me or something?”

He asked Gerard what parts in Watchmen inspired him. He said “Especially when I was younger, I felt like an outsider, so I could totally relate to Rorshach and then as I got older I felt like Nite Owl but never The Comedian!”

Afterwards, while ’Rorshach’ was walking away Gerard started to laugh and said, “I love it. Only at Comic-Con, y’know? Only at Comic-Con.”

Mikey and Gerard fanboying about each other. Gerard saying that Mikey was his best friend and his inspiration. “He inspires me every day, every single day.”

Mikey saying that Gerard was his best friend and that “I’m the Robin to his Batman.”
Gerard chiming in with “And it’s kind of weird because I used to like Robin way more than Batman.”
Mikey: “You used to have the Robin pajamas!”
Gerard: “Yeah, I had the Robin pajamas and Mikey had Batman and so it looked kinda weird…y’know? And mine we’re kinda tight too.”

Some girl going up to the mic and declaring “Gerard, you are my number one celebrity crush. Robert Pattinson has nothing on you!” Gerard staying calm, suave and saying, “Well…I don’t know. I mean, he IS really handsome and you know, he’s got that James Dean thing about him. He’s really handsome!”

[In the beginning of the panel he and Mikey talked about how someone had mistaken him for Rob Pattinson at the convention, lolforever.]

Gerard challenging someone to dress up as Spaceboy next year. Oh hi gorilla costume on sale, let me go find a fish bowl I can stick my head into too.

One guy saying “I know you probably get this all of the time but you guys put on one of the greatest live shows I’ve ever seen.” The room erupting in applause and Mikey proudly and shyly smiling.

Gerard: “Actually…no one has told me that all week since we’ve been here! It was starting to hurt my feelings.” :P

One fan asking Gerard to choose between music and comics. Gerard saying that if he had to choose between them and live without the other it would be like “losing a limb.” Lol, oh Gerard, I love when you’re overdramatic. ;)

Another girl asking them about playing shows. He and Mikey looking at each other and talking about leaving for Japan in a week and then Gerard stopping himself and stumbling over his words. “I totally almost let something slip right there!” I’ve no doubt now that he was talking about the Roxy shows.

Gerard confessing that he was trying to keep his cursing to a minimum, lol.

A question about video games. Gerard saying he’d been really excited for the new Sims game but ended up playing it for only ten minutes because “Once you have a kid you sit down and you’re like ‘What the fuck am I doing?’ I’d rather go play with my kid but no…um, I’ll get used to it and then I’ll totally be playing games again.”

Gerard saying he’s not “…down with young Hollywood. I don’t know anyone’s names!” after being asked what other actors he’d like to be cast in the Umbrella Academy movie.

The panel ending with Gerard continuously thanking everyone for coming and saying “I’ll be here every year. I’ll come back here every year. I’ll try to be interesting and not bore all of you. Next year let’s have some little note cards so you guys can even tell me what you guys hate and how to make the comic better.”

He had another signing at the DH booth but this time it was for the announcement of his new comic called Killjoys. Scott Allie said something on his twitter about how both Killjoys and the next Umbrella Academy won’t have release dates till after March 2010. I’m guessing that means Gerard’s concentration is going to be focused on music for the rest of the year? =D

The signing was just as fast and a little less personal but Gerard remained gracious. One person told him that a girl in line had twittered Gerard’s panel while it went on and he said. *pretending to text* “Were you like ‘Gerard just made a dick joke!’”

There were free Killjoy pins being handed out and when I got to Becky she complimented me on the ribcage necklace I was wearing and said she loved it. Gerard said hello and said it was nice to see me again. I thanked him for coming back to San Diego and Comic-Con and he shook his head and said, “Oh, no problem. I love it here.” :D

Imelda was able to snap a pic of me talking to Becky and Gerard:

That’s the end of my Comic-Con weekend and the My Chem stuff relating to it. I’m sure I’m not remembering some stuff but in that case, you should all definitely watch videos from Gerard’s panel on youtube. You won’t regret it.

I went to the convention on Sunday and finally did my volunteer hours and fulfilled a weird goal of finally attending the entire convention.

And this is random but I wanted to include this here just because it’s funny. Comic-Con is full of people in costume and this was by far my favorite. One guy dressed up as Barack Obama and had three other people with him dressed as the secret service complete with monitors in their ears. Amazing:

This is what 4 days worth of Comic-Con swag looks like.

[This isn’t even all of it!]

Finally, thank you for taking some time out of your day and reading this. I really appreciate it. =) Comic-Con is something that everyone should experience at least one time in their lives. You should all give it a try!



fan-encounters, gerard way, mikey way, photo

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