Sungod Festival 2006

May 16, 2006 04:26

Sungod Festival
UCSD, May 12, 2006
Special thanks go out to Alicia, Angela, Tommy, Briana, Gia, and co.
Candice and Lynda: I love you guys more than anything, and owe you everything I could ever obtain in a lifetime.

Without further procrastination, I bring you:

Gerard's Grandpa Sweater

If you'd like to read my other adventures please click:

Here for - Headlining Tour
Here for - Warped 2005
Here for - Warped 2004

I apologise beforehand for any grammar/misspellings, fuzzy pictures, confusion, and the paparazzi-esque style of the soundcheck photos. I know that things have calmed down a bit in the MCR world, so if anything, I hope you just enjoy the read!

Candice, Lynda, and I arrived at UCSD and asked for help in finding parking permits and found an area that was specifically tailored to the Sungod Festival. We parked, loaded up what we needed for the time being, and walked around. You see, the whole festival was going to take place on this big green Rimac field, which was behind the actual Rimac Arena.

We decided to walk around and got down to the field and watched many people setting up food booths. One man directed us towards another and he gave us advice on where to line up.

We finally decided to walk up to the very front of the Rimac Arena. The directions for entrance were going to be that they would check tickets, and then came two flights of stairs, and a run around about a quarter of the field, lol. We decided not to dwell on the run, haha.

We decided to sit on the floor and shoot the shit for a while. Many people passed by and were weirded out by the idea that we were already here for the show that started in the evening. Around maybe 10:30 a.m. or so, Candice wandered over to the balcony, and told Lynda and I that she had seen someone with blonde hair, and that it might be Bob. [Please also keep in mind that the Rimac Arena entrance had the ledge, and that directly under it was the lower level of the arena and the field. I know, it confuses me too.]

Lynda took this as an opportunity to yell his name, and he turned around! It was really surprising to see him so early in the morning, y'know? [The show wasn't going to start till about five in the evening.]

He was on the stage, and walked over to the side to get a better view of us because he said he couldn't hear. I took the time to yell, "Bob! Mastadon hoodie? The moon man? Do you remember us?" He laughed and replied sarcastically, "Nooo. I don't remember you?" as the answer was clear, because he was already strolling closer. The next question was where was the hoodie, to which he answered that he had officially "put it away."

Me: "Can you come up? There's no one here."
Bob: "I can't right now, I gotta go set up these drums or they'll get mad at me."
Me: "How 'bout when you're done?
Bob: I will, I will. Later."
Lynda: "You promise, Bob?"
Bob: [Yelling] "I promise."

Bob's arrival had us on a high for the time being, lol. We wondered where everyone else was as we watched Bob help with the set-up of numerous drum kits. [There were about ten performers for the whole festival.]

We were standing at the balcony again, watching Bob help everyone out. It had been an hour since we had first seen him. I told Candice that I thought the rest of the guys would arrive in one big van together, to which she said she didn't believe me, lol.

Low and behold, the vary second after I said that they appeared! They walked out from whatever lie directly under us. I was baffled and all I could find myself yelling was, "Hi Ray!" He turned and waved, but what was funny was Gerard was the first to look up, lol. He looked at me with squinting eyes, waved, and scratched his head. They seemed boggled by the idea that people were there already, and I think most of them had coffee cups in their hands.


Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Frank all made their way to the stage and joined Bob. First came the drums, then the bass, and afterwards, the guitars. Vocals were added last, and because of this Gerard used a majority of the time wandering around aimlessly, lmfao.

Gerard wandering.

And wandering.

And wandering some more.

And sitting.

And being bored.

Emo Gerard, lol.

His reaction as Toro played a solo.

There were different fences around the mainstage, the area with porter potties, and the one with food booths. He took the long way with each walk, walking in wide circles. We kept making jokes about whether or not he was going to head to the porter potties, or indeed try and buy a funnel cake from one of venders that was setting up. At one point he headed over to the sound booth, and after talking with the guys there for a sec, he sat down in some bleachers next to the booth. He sat there during the guitar checks, and smiled on as Toro rocked out. Bob came over and talked to him for a bit too.

Toro rocking the fuck out.

Some tidbits: They said "Thanks Mikey Way" after Mikey was done with his bass. If I remember correctly, Ray jammed along to "Bark at the Moon." The crew guys were teasing Frank, saying "Frank Eye - air -row! Frank Lero!" Before the rest of the guys arrived, the crew was playing what could be described as lounge music. A little after the whole band was there, we heard "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" being played. They didn't let either song play in it's entirety, to our dismay, lol.

At one point during Gee's wandering adventure, we saw our friend Tommy walk onto the field and approach him. They talked for a while, and Gerard got comfortable enough to sit on the grass. Lynda and I waved to him from the balcony, and he says something like this went down:

Tommy: "Jen and Lynda."
Gerard: "Jen and Lynda, Jen and Lynda..."
Tommy: "Outrageous gifts."
Gerard: *Laughing in agreement or remembrance?*

When Bob went to join Gerard at the bleachers, he jumped down from the stage and onto the floor to get down. Coming back, I believe he easily hopped onto the stage. Gerard on the other hand, looked at the stage [as if planning his attack] and then proceeded to shrug and take the long way around. This made all of us laugh, like "Oh I'll let Bob, the younger and skinnier one do it." :-P

At one point, during the rehearsal, I believe Gerard referred to him as Bobby. Haha!

Now was the time for the vocals to be added, and for them to play complete songs. Within seconds of grabbing the mic, I was surprised to hear what Gerard started singing acapella:


In fact, to be more specific, the part that goes, "Vacation, all I ever wanted. Vacation, had to get away." It was hilarioust o say the least and even funnier because he sang the lines as if he was doing vocal scales, lol.

During soundcheck I believe they played the following: Thank You for the Venom, Jetset Life, Prison, Ghost of You, and Fashion Statement. I think there were another two songs or more, but I can't recall which ones at the moment. They also played one song that sounded "old" [it's the only way I can describe it] and another that my friend recalled as sounding like the Misfits.

During the entire rehearsal, the guys looked so relax and fucked around with eachother to no end. The greatest person to watch had to be Ray, as he rocked and headbanged his solo's with his legs spread in an awesome guitar player stance. It was awesome to see him give a rehearsal his all, and to see him perform as if a crowd was before him. Even Mikey got into it a little. [You know the way he does, lol. Mikey is into it, if his head is doing a little more moving than usual?] They all fiddled with their sidekicks and everything sounded awesome.

Gerard was being so fucking random, I can't even begin to find the words to describe it. He sounded like he was rambling in song form [ala demo version of "Never Told You What I Do for a Living"]. I kept remarking that he was probably freestyling and we found his randomness to be cute. At one point he called out to the sound guy, "Talk or sing? Taaalk taaaalk talk? Or siiiiing?" He then proceeded to do an array of scales [some of it could be compared to the ones he does before they play "Helena" sometimes]. It was funny to see him do all of this in his Grandpa sweater. [I call it a Grandpa sweater because it reminds me of those horrible sweaters your Grandparents give you around the Holidays.]

Frankie ass! Ahaha, you can't beat it. [That's Leatherface on the back of his hoodie, if you can't tell.]

After soundcheck was done Frank was the first to leave. We told him, "Nice job Frankie" and he thanked us appreciatingly. Suddenly Candice told me to shut up, lol, and we experienced the nerdiest thing ever: the Way brothers proceeding to argue with someone about Ibooks. It was the dorkiest guy argument ever, full of comparisons to eachother's comps, sizes, and what they had paid for it. I remember Gerard saying, "Nah man, I have the same fucking one as you. 'Cept it's [Blank? I can't recall the number] inches, and I got it for seven hundred?" [Haha, don't quote me on the numbers, I can't really recall them exactly.]

Gerard was the next to leave and I told him he had done a great job, to which he responded by squinting again, and waving shyly. Ray, Mikey, and Bob all left together at once, and we yelled out to Bob:

Me: "You promised, Bob."
Bob: "I know, I was busy."
Us: [Laughing]
Bob: "I will, I will, we're going to get something to eat, and goto Kinko's."

The soundcheck ended before 3, because I recall security saying to get in line by then. Candice and I headed to the car and left whatever we didn't need in there, and grabbed some snacks. For the next hour, we met up with other friends, took bathroom breaks, and ate junk food. The line didn't get to be long at all and the people who were at the front, really consisted of MCR fans. As a big group we discussed whether we were going to run the field or not, and decided that we would all help eachother out because we were ultimately going to be making up the first row of people. We decided that the people who got to barricade first, would leave spots for the others. Doors were opened around 4:30, and the plan worked perfectly.

I ended up at barricade, right in the fucking center. =D I had been in the front for one other MCR show, but never in the middle of it all.

There was a small stage next to the main stage. Different performers took turns performing on one stage and then afterwards, someone on the other would go on. There was a lot of standing, sitting, standing, and then sitting once again, going on.

Cypress Hill went on sometime passed 9 and that's when all the chaos began. [On another note, yes, Eliza Cuts and Alicia Simmons were there]. There were giant stoned frat guys trying to push to the front, and lots of drunk people crowd surfing. At one point during their set, they brought out an inflatable Buddha with a marijuana leaf on it's tummy. They then proceeded to smoke joints on stage and proceeded to talk about "faggots." [This entertained me as I could only think about how ironic it was that one of the more openly homoerotic bands was going to play right after them, lol.]

The giant fucking Buddha.

Bryar setting up before they played.

Chaos became helplessly watching friends get harassed by college dudes, and the overwhelming smell of pot. I held on to the barricade as I told myself that I would have fun for all of us. Fireworks followed Cypress Hill's performance. Finally, MCR came on after 11 and Gerard immediately greeted the crowd by blowing kisses as they started to play "Venom." [I'll apologise here for the lack of Ray picture, as he was hard to get pics of, being on the other side and all.] The setlist goes as follows:

Cemetery Drive
To the End
Give 'Em Hell Kid
Ghost of You
Jetset Life
It's Not a Fashion Statement
Our Lady of Sorrows
I'm Not Ok

[The only songs that I know were played in correct order are the first two songs, and the last two songs. The rest are just jumbled.]



Before they played "Our Lady of Sorrows" Gerard began by saying, "We'd like to dedicate this song to all the lovely guys and girls who came and watched our soundcheck this morning. It was good to see some familiar faces again. You guys know who you are."

See, mind the fact that there were about less than ten of us out there watching. Some of the people proceeded to leave during parts of the soundcheck, while we stayed, haha. Bring in the fact that we've been familiar to them at previous shows, and I dunno, what do you guys think? lol.

Frank and his new [or old?] guitar strap, with Houdini design on it.

Gerard messed up the lyrics to Venom, lol. I think he screwed up some words during the second chorus, and then proceeded to start singing again as Ray got into his solo before immediately stopping himself.

Frank puckering up to the audience while mouthing "I'll kiss your lips again."

Gerard saying, "Not only do we have to follow some fireworks, but we gotta follow a big ass fucking Buddha!"

Frank and Gerard looking at eachother during the second verse of Prison, and Frank's throwing of open water bottles into the crowd during various parts of the set.

At one point Ray was about to really get into some part of a song, and Gerard accidentally bumped into him and smacked him with the mic stand. Gerard proceeded to give him these "Are you ok?" glances, and Ray nodded. Later Gerard looked at his hand, puzzled, and then walked over to Ray and patted him on the shoulder.

The way Bob's bangs moved while he played, lol.

Gerard's increased amount of moaning. Particularly the end of "Jetset Life", which he ended by moaning "Sugah" a couple dozen times [each moan getting deeper and longer], while touching himself. [He started by rubbing his knee, and then working his way up to his inner thigh. I swear I don't mean to degrade him so, but GODDAMN.]

During the set Frank kept having trouble with his tie, as it kept getting in the way while he played. As they came out to play "I'm Not Ok" as their encore, he quickly took it off and threw it on the floor. It slipped and proceeded to fall onto the grass, and security threw it into the audience.

Gerard's reaction to the audience booing as he announced they only had two songs left.

Crowd: [Whinning]
Gerard: "I know, I know. It's a shame. I'm sorry." *thinks to himself* "BOO!!" [In a flamboyant voice, as he holds the mic out to the audience.]
Crowd: "Booo!!"
Gerard: "Boo!!" [All while shaking his head back and fourth like a spazzing lunatic.] "Ok, ok.. I'm cheap. I'm so fucking cheap."

I think after [or was it before?] one of the songs Gerard took the time to just stand still with his eyes closed. He then proceeded to continously run his fingers up and down his neck and through his hair whispering, "This.. this is the rain..." [Whatever that means? Lol.]

Before "Helena" he talked about how they were working on a new album and that it was going to be "totally awesome" and then instructed the crowd to say the same thing. Afterwards he started to talk like a preacher of some sort, gesturing with his hands and saying: "This is our last song. And y'know, we're all going to die someday, but before that happens, let's have just one moment of... a little spirit? A little spirit, ok? So sing along if you know it."

Towards the end of "I'm Not Ok" a guy crowd surfed and then upon getting down, he jumped up onto the stage before security could catch him. He then started to scale up one of the structures on the stage [imagine the way Bert has done it before?]. Gerard watched kind of nodding his head back and fourth, lol. And Ray was kinda lagging, as he started staring at the top of the structure when the guy was already off it and being taken away by security. Frank was in his own little world on the other side of the stage.

If you're curious, Eliza and Alicia stood on the left side of the stage near Frank. It was when I noticed Eliza panicking and pointing that I turned and saw the guy scaling the stage. Alicia had on Mikey's hoodie. [The one that says Mikey, lol.]

They ended the show, security kicked us off the field and we proceeded to watch from afar as they came out again shorty after. Gerard had changed into his Grandpa sweater again and everyone was helping with packing up. He waved and so did Ray.

Alicia and Eliza joined them on the field. Eliza got into the drivers seat of a car, Alicia joined her in the passenger, and Mikey sat in the back, lol. We all then proceeded to laugh. Yeah, Mikey isn't allowed to touch the radio. :-P

Everyone else got into a family size van and proceeded to drive off. Mikey and co. followed behind them.


If you got to this part, I thank you with every fiber in my body for reading the whole thing.

[might by x-posted at other communities.]

fan-encounters, gerard way, photos, concert-review

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