Note to self..... try simple stuff first

Aug 18, 2006 22:09

If you have seen me today (meaning you're Angela) then you have heard me bitch about how my phone is broken and I've had no service all afternoon. I attempted to go to the Cingular store to gripe to them about my problem. But the Cingular store was already closed. After becoming fearful that perhaps I had accidentally not paid my bill and this was their way of reminding me, I logged into my Cingular account online just to make sure everything was up to date. It was. Having exhausted all options I could think of, I called Cingular's 800 number and waded through a variety of options until I was able to speak to an actual person. This person was clearly tired and had worked a long shift and was tired of talking to stupid people. Unfortunately, tonight I was one of those stupid people. He asked me how often I turned my phone off. I said almost never. He said to turn my phone off, take the battery out, put it back in, and turn the phone back on. It had never once, all afternoon long, occured to me to turn my phone off. I did this and suddenly I had service again, and all was well. He then told me that I should turn my phone off at least once a day for one minute to keep it working correctly. I said thank you and hung up, highly embaressed that I was now one of those people.
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