That's right ladies and gents, the Da Vinci Code DIET. i know, i wish i was kidding too.
So I'm living in Athens this summer and working at Barnes and Noble..and NO its not selling out because there is no Chapter 11 here! Life's getting pretty interesting. I'm learning a lot about telling the truth, seemingly futile attempts to be independent for five minute intervals, how to sleep your life away, and who could forget, i'm learning about what happens the THIRD time you wreck your sisters car on your driveway. Count down til she gets home from spain kids, and cross those fingers.
Meeting Theresa in Spain at the end of June, hitting up Barcelona, Vienna, Prague and Amsterdam.icantwaitblahblahblahimgoingtobesobrokeithurtsblahblah.
Ummm...I've had a lot of fun seeing the old various gangs when I go home. the concert? mucho funo. (someone shoot me before i say something even MORE lame)
But seriously, call me because chances are i miss you