Dec 15, 2005 21:49
BstnRdSxGrl29: what do you think the chances of school are?
XxStephyxX37: umm
XxStephyxX37: out of a 100?
BstnRdSxGrl29: no out of 59
XxStephyxX37: 72
XxStephyxX37: i checked the whole weather system im right
XxStephyxX37: shit i am the weather girl
XxStephyxX37: did we have bio
BstnRdSxGrl29: i think so
BstnRdSxGrl29: but i didnt do it
BstnRdSxGrl29: i didnt really do anything
XxStephyxX37: CHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XxStephyxX37: i need to go, ur a bad influenece. GOOD DAY SIR!
XxStephyxX37: bye buddy
BstnRdSxGrl29: bye buddy
Rickyy116: word
BstnRdSxGrl29: its werd ricky, werd
Rickyy116: effing no wordd
BstnRdSxGrl29: effing yes werd
Rickyy116: hahahah
BstnRdSxGrl29: :-P